雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 牙科手術助理員是整個牙科醫療隊伍中一個重要成員。 不論在治療前後或手術過程中,牙科手術助理員均須協助牙醫照顧病人。 課程資料

  2. In the academic year 2022/23, the Hospital will enroll eligible local students to its 1-year full-time and 2-year part-time day release training course leading to the award of Diploma in Dental Surgery Assisting. 本課程牙科手術助理學員提供理論及臨床實習訓練。. 於2022/ 23 學年,本院將招收合資格的本地生入 ...

  3. 1- full-time and 2-year part-time day release training course leading to the award of Diploma in Dental Surgery Assisting. 本課程牙科手術助理學員提供理論及臨床實習訓練。 於2024/25 學年,本院將招收合資格的本地生入讀本院一年全日制及兩年日間兼讀制文憑課程。完成課程及成績及格者, 可獲頒發牙科手術助理員文憑。 II. Learning Outcomes 學習成果. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

  4. 由專業牙醫,資深牙科手術助理員及醫療/牙科專業從業員任教; 除課堂講授,包括29小時臨床訓練,及10小時臨床實習,學術與實踐並重; 入學要求:

  5. 課程特別為牙科手術助理員及期望投身牙科手術助理員行業的人士度身設計; 由專業牙醫,資深牙科手術助理員,或由香港醫藥援助會醫療/牙科專業從業員任教;

  6. The programme is taught by experienced dentists, senior dental surgery assistants (DSA) or qualified medical service/ dental professionals provided by Project Concern Hong Kong; Besides lectures, there are 29 hours’ clinical training and 10 hours’ clinical practice with emphasis of both theory and practice;

  7. 由專業牙醫、資深牙科手術助理員或香港醫藥援助會之醫療/牙科專業 從業員任教; 除課堂講授,包括29小時臨床訓練及10小時臨床實習,學術與實踐並重

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