雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Attending classes and extra-curricular activities with their buddies, our young guests got a taste of school life at DGS, including the academic curriculum and pedagogy, as well as an introduction to the Chinese cultural arts through music, dance, and visual arts. they were also exposed to various aspects of life in Hong Kong through home stays ...

  2. 拔萃女書院 Diocesan Girls' School 辦學宗旨學校秉持追求卓越的辦學理念,冀在現今活躍多變的教育環境中成為高效能教學的楷模,使學生們充分發揮潛能,並樂於以終身學習為目標;而教師們亦能盡展所長,激勵年青一代打破成規,延續卓越表現。

  3. 拔萃女書院 (英語: Diocesan Girls' School ),為 香港歷史 最悠久的 聖公會 女校之一,位於 九龍 官涌 佐敦道 1號。 拔萃女書院現以 直資學校 模式運作,以 英語 為教學語言。 學校為香港著名學府,在 學術 、 音樂 及 體育 多方面均有卓越成就;拔萃女書院是 拔萃女小學 的一條龍中學。 歷史 [ 編輯] 戰前 [ 編輯] 1899年, 拔萃女書室 (Diocesan Girls' School and Orphanage) 在 般咸道 玫瑰行(Rose Villas)成立,因與 曰字樓女館 (Diocesan Native Female Training School)皆以女性教育為宗旨,才以其繼承者自居,將創校年份回溯至1860年。 [1]

  4. 拔萃女書院(Diocesan Girls' School)創立於1860,是一所位於油尖旺區的基督教女直資, 校長是劉靳麗娟(銀紫荊星章、太平紳士) (文學士、教育文憑、教育碩士、榮譽院士) 。(dgs,油尖旺區, 中學概覽, Band, Banding, 排名,Band 幾, 派位,教學語言

  5. 拔萃女書院(Diocesan Girls' School)是位處於油尖旺區的一所直資中學。 學校是一間基督教的女校,創校於 1860年,校訓是「勵志揚善:本校前身為孤兒院,秉承關愛樂助的宗旨,學生皆積極支持慈善活動,並於校內、本地及外地的慈善機構參與義務工作。

  6. 中學組別及排名詳情. 本網站的中學組別及排名,是根據全港 400 多所中學已循官方途徑(如學校網站、開放日單張等)公佈的文憑試成績統計資料,經匯合、整理、分析,而評估出來。. 「大考」網站收集能反映各中學整體文憑試表現的數據,並收錄到數據庫 ...

  7. The Rolling Admission for 2023-2024 Secondary One to Secondary Four has ended. All application documents received between November 20, 2023, and April 15, 2024, if not further notified by the school, will be considered unsuccessful.

  8. Diocesan Girls' School (DGS) (Chinese: 拔萃女書院) is one of the oldest girls' schools in Hong Kong, founded in Kowloon in 1860 by the Anglican Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (香港聖公會) to provide a well-rounded secondary education for girls.

  9. Diocesan GirlsSchool, a local grammar school with an international outlook, was founded in 1860 by the Anglican (Episcopalian) Church to provide an excellent all-round secondary education for girls in Hong Kong. The School is governed by the Council of the Diocesan Girls’ School, a group comprised of capable administrators who ensure that ...

  10. 2024年4月19日 · DGS Admission Portal. Announcements. S1 Application. All 2024 - 2025 Secondary One Students. Posted on April 19, 2024. The results of the DGS S1 Entrance Scholarship (Music/Sports) have been released. Please log in to this system to check your results.

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