雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 離婚律師比較與推薦. 當面臨離婚或家庭糾紛時,找到合適的離婚律師可能比你想像中更具挑戰。. 香港的離婚律師市場繁多,從大大小小的律師事務所到專注於離婚案件的律師,每家律師樓看起來都大同小異。. 然而,當你真正需要專業的法律意見時,發現一家 ...

  2. Hong Kong law is quite straightforward in many ways which is helpful in calculating the cost of divorce in Hong Kong. Lawyers in Hong Kong are typically in this range (Legal/Clerk/Trainee: HK$2000-4000 per hour, Solicitor: HK$3500-6000, Partner: HK$6000-10,000 per hour).

  3. 2021年5月12日 · The 2021 listing of leading Hong Kong Family & Divorce Law Barristers details counsel practising within the areas of family, divorce, and matrimonial matters in the Hong Kong legal market who have been identified by Hong Kong’s family law solicitors and their peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.

  4. Our award-winning family and divorce lawyers advise on matrimonial disputes, divorces, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements, children cases.

  5. 1. 對方通姦而申請人無辦法忍受再同對方共同生活; 2. 對方行為不合理; 3. 俾對方遺棄一年或以上; 4. 提出離婚呈請前雙方已經分居一年或以上,而對方又同意; 5. 提出離婚呈請前雙方分居兩年或以上。

  6. Find experienced divorce lawyers in Hong Kong to guide you through the legal process and protect your rights in family law cases.

  7. 2020年4月2日 · The 2020 listing of leading Hong Kong Family & Divorce Lawyers details solicitors practising within the areas of family, divorce and matrimonial law matters in the Hong Kong legal market who have been identified by their peers for their expertise and abilities in.

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