If the length of the grille is above 500 mm, horizontal aerofoil blades are connected through a mullion, fixed at the centre of the grille for stability. For grilles of length 1000 mm and above, two mullions will be connected vertically at equidistant.
Double deflection air grilles are generally used in walls for supply / return HVAC applications, can be installed into walls and ceilings. The grille consists of frame, core and damper. Mixed uniform air flow is generated by double deflection of the grille.
The series of Double Deflection Grille (DDG) with two banks of individually adjustable blades, Series DDG are more suited to supply applications than their Single Deflection (SDG) cousins. Just like SDG grilles though, Double Deflection grilles are suitable for a wide range of settings, including ceilings, walls and on ductwork.
Model SG Registers and Grilles Double and Single Deflection. Model SG registers and grilles are designed for installation in sidewall or sill and can be used for supply or return air in heating, cooling or ventilating applications. The adjustable blades can be set individually at any position to provide maximum air pattern flexibility. Order Code.
Aluminium Double Deflection Front Vertical Air Grille Model: A2V & A2H Vane angle of single-layer, double-layer grille wind ports can be adjusted randomly within scope from 0 to 180. Vanes can be adjusted to different angles to obtain different air supply
Double deflection air grilles are generally used in walls for supply / return HVAC applications, can be installed into walls and ceilings. The grille consists of frame, core and damper. Mixed uniform air flow is generated by double deflection of the grille. Adjustable
The double deflection grilles have deflectors with perpendicular setting. The deflector position setting determines the airflow discharge pattern. The grille allows for the air to be directed using adjustable blades in a horizontal, as well as vertical orientation.