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  1. 道爾頓濾芯由天然無毒物料製作,過濾程序安全可靠,100% 英國製造,部份更獲得NSF42,53認證。 專售各款濾水器,可過濾泥沙、鐵鏽、氯氣,有機污染物,重金屬鉛等,為各大家庭信心之選。

  2. Doulton® has hundreds of years of experience providing families with clean, healthy drinking water in their homes since its beginnings in 1826. Using natural ceramic home water filters that improve the look, smell and taste of tap water, Doulton® filters remove contaminants while retaining the healthy minerals.

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  4. Doulton Hong Kong. 4,060 likes · 34 talking about this. About Doulton Doulton® is proud to have been a pioneer in providing families with access to clean drinking water

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  5. Doulton 道爾頓在英國已有超過 190 歷史,一直深受客戶追捧。 道爾頓濾芯由天然無毒物料製作,過濾程序安全可靠,100% 英國製造,部份更獲得 NSF42,53認證。

  6. www.youtube.com › channel › UCHiTf8gkb4jOLnXTnZ7hU3QDoulton Hong Kong - YouTube

    Doulton英國道爾頓濾水器 - 官方唯一授權香港經銷商 (香港官方) doultonhk.com and 2 more links. Doulton道爾頓濾水器介紹影片. 6,172 views 4 years ago. 一條影片告訴你為何Doulton道爾頓濾水器這麼有名? 影片版權:© 2019 Doulton Water Filter. All Rights Reserved...

  7. Backed by over 190 years of expertise, our advanced ceramic filters, pioneered by Doulton® and British Berkefeld®, address waterborne parasites, heavy metals, poor taste, and odors. Recent incidents like the Cryptosporidium outbreak in Devon emphasise the importance of proactive water safety measures.

  8. www.doultonhk.com › zh-hant最新優惠

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