雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Can Hong Kong residents hold dual nationality? Article 3 of the Nationality Law of the PRC states that dual nationality or citizenship is not recognised. However, in Hong Kong, this is subject to "the explanations" made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC).

  2. 多重國籍,是指拥有一个以上的 国籍 的状态。 如果拥有两个国籍,则称为 雙重國籍[1]。 不同的国家对多重国籍的承认是不同的,有很多国家不承认多重国籍,也有的国家有限制的承认多重国籍,还有的国家承认政治家和公务员(高级官员、外交官、军官、情报人员等)以外的人的多重国籍 [2]。 在多重国籍的情况下,可能出现多个 国家 要求其履行 公民 对国家的义务(例如 兵役),或者不知道允许哪个国家对其进行外交保护,这样可能会引起混乱。

  3. 多重國籍,是指擁有一個以上的 國籍 的狀態。 如果擁有兩個國籍,則稱為 雙重國籍[1]。 不同的國家對多重國籍的承認是不同的,有很多國家不承認多重國籍,也有的國家有限制的承認多重國籍,還有的國家承認政治家和公務員(高級官員、外交官、軍官、情報人員等)以外的人的多重國籍 [2]。 在多重國籍的情況下,可能出現多個 國家 要求其履行 公民 對國家的義務(例如 兵役),或者不知道允許哪個國家對其進行外交保護,這樣可能會引起混亂。

  4. Dual citizenship (also known as dual nationality) is allowed in the UK. This means you can be a British citizen and also a citizen of other countries. You do not need to apply for dual...

  5. Multiple citizenship (or multiple nationality) is a person's legal status in which a person is at the same time recognized by more than one country under its nationality and citizenship law as a national or citizen of that country.

  6. 2024年6月17日 · Dual Nationality. What is dual nationality? Answer: It is a way that allows a citizen to have two nationalities of both his motherland and another country at the same time. Is dual nationality admitted in the world?

  7. The People’s Republic of China does not recognise dual nationality for any Chinese national. Article 4: Any person born in China whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality.

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