雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 2025年復活節

      • 2025年4月20日 星期日
  1. 2025與2026年復活節. 國際上,復活節是追憶耶穌基督星期五的死亡,以及星期天的複活,是基督教信仰中最重要的節日。 假日從耶穌受難日的星期五到復活的星期一,讓許多人擁有一個四天的周末假期。 超過80萬香港基督教徒會在復活節參加教會活動。 香港的教會種類眾多,從天主教到英國聖公會,到東正教到各種新教徒,應有盡有。 星期日是一個重要的日子,許多家庭參加禮拜,然後聚集起來舉行一個大型的自助慶祝午餐。 在城鎮周圍,商店都是開放的,因為中國大陸沒有復活節假期,所以許多來自大陸等地方的人都會去香港探望家人,購物和娛樂。 街道和商店到處裝飾著復活節兔子和復活節彩蛋,為節日增添了興奮的氣氛和絢麗的色彩。 節日期間,學校、郵局和政府辦公室均關閉。

  2. Easter 2025 and 2026. Internationally, Easter is the remembrance of the death on Friday, and resurrection on Sunday, of Jesus Christ, the champion of the Christian faith. The holiday runs from Good Friday to Easter Monday and gives many people a four-day weekend. Over 800,000 Hong Kong Christians attend church services at Easter.

  3. 3 天前 · Easter for the year 2025 is celebrated/ observed on Sunday, April 20th. Easter also called Resurrection Sunday or Pascha is one of the most important days in the Christian faith commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead according to the New Testament.

  4. 想知道2025年香港有哪些公眾假期嗎?快來查看政府宪報公布的詳細日期,並計劃你的假期旅行吧!

  5. General Holidays. The following list of general holidays for 2025 is gazetted for public information: Every Sunday. Sunday. The first day of January. 1 January. Wednesday. Lunar New Year’s Day. 29 January.

  6. Hong Kong Public Holidays 2025. This page contains a national calendar of all 2025 public holidays. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.

  7. Easter Sunday is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday, April 20, 2025 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Hong Kong. Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus' resurrection from death. ©iStockphoto.com/ Marcus Lindström.