雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 僱員補償條例》就僱員因工受傷制定一個不論過失及毋須供款的僱員補償制度。 該條例的主要條文包括 : 適用範圍 僱員因工及在僱用期間遭遇意外而致受傷,或患上《僱員補償條例》所指定的職業病,僱主有責任支付補.

  2. Compensation Insurance. Employers must take out employees' compensation insurance policies to protect both employers and employees.

  3. A Guide to Employees' Compensation Insurance No Employees’ Compensation Insurance – A Big Trouble – Notes for Employers and Employees Chinese English Tagalog Indonesian Thai Nepali Hindi Urdu Sinhala No Employees Chinese)

  4. 僱員補償保險提供有關僱員補償的信息,包括常見問題和安全計劃。

  5. 2020年10月19日 · 勞工保險簡稱「勞保」,是坊間俗稱,正式名稱是「僱員補償保險」(EmployeesCompensation Insurance),勞保保障僱員因工意外受傷,甚至死亡,或患上《僱員補償條例》所指定的職業病時,僱主有能力履行責任支付補償。

  6. 藍十字僱員補償保險專為僱主而設,讓僱主輕鬆地符合法定要求,應付《僱員補償條例》的有關法律補償的責任。.

  7. 根據《香港法例》第二百八十二章“僱員補償條例”規定,僱主必須為僱員購買勞工保險,以保障僱員因工作受傷導致其停工及身體部份或全部永久喪失工作能力或死亡之損失。 如意外是由於僱主之疏忽或過失所引致,則可循普通法追討。 勞工保險與強積金、汽車第三者保險一樣在香港是強制性的保險,如僱主沒有購買或投保人數不足者,即屬違法,是一種嚴重的罪行。

  8. The Employees' Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282) ("ECO") mandates all employers to take out insurance policies for compensation to employees on occupational injuries or deaths. During 2010-2019, annual number of claims decreased by 26% to 20 089 cases, in line with the downtrend in occupational injuries (Figure 2).

  9. An 'Employees Compensation' insurance policy covers Ordinance benefits such as medical expenses, loss of wages, permanent disablement benefit, and death benefit. In addition, it usually covers common law liability with a policy limit of HK$100 million for any one event.

  10. Blue Cross Employees' Compensation Insurance Proposal is easy to apply, and offers you hassle-free protection to meet the statutory requirements.

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