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  1. 【生活口语经典】朗文《English for everyday activities》图解日常活动英语6大系列视频全集+PDF书+音频(丰富你的英语词汇和表达)共计45条视频,包括:001.First thing in the morning、002.Brushing your teeth- flossing、003.Taking a shower等,UP主更多

  2. 网络 《English for Everyday Activities是一套经典的口语自学工具书,帮助短期内快速提升口语。包含3本书,朗读训练,情景对话练习,以及惯用语学习 3册书。全系列150个话题,涵盖了日常生活,工作高频场景。配套视频课。助力攻克日常口语。

  3. 【每日生活英语最新版】English for Everyday Activities全套精讲200+朗诵+实战+词汇共计60条视频包括:Day1 first thing in the morning 课文朗读、Day1 first thing in the morning 单词听说、Day1 first thing in the morning 视频教学等,UP主更多精彩

  4. In General English you can improve your knowledge of everyday English and learn the language you need for socialising. You will also develop your comprehension skills and build your vocabulary. Zones: 5- to 10-minute activities

  5. Learn English with our free online listening, grammar, vocabulary and reading activities. Practise your English and get ready for your Cambridge English exam.

  6. 朗文圖解日常生活英語 English for everyday activities,全書分為6章61個日常生活場景,這本書是基於TPR 教學理念而設計編寫。 TPR(Total Physical Response)也稱全身反應教學法,這是模仿母語習得的過程,通過身體動作把語言與行為建立關聯,迅速達成可理解性輸入的

  7. Our online English classes feature lots of useful learning materials and activities to help you develop your speaking skills with confidence in a safe and inclusive learning environment. Practise speaking with your classmates in live group classes, get speaking support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise speaking English by ...

  8. Unlike most picture dictionaries, this is a verb-based multi-skills program that uses a student text with a clear and colorful pictorial detail as a starting point and focuses on the specific processes involved in everyday activities such as waking up, riding a bus, playing CDs, and using an ATM.

  9. 朗文图解日常生活英语 English for everyday Activities》是为母语不是英语的人编著的英语学习用书,内容全面,图文并茂,通俗易懂。 适合大人自己学习,也可以和孩子一起学习,将生活用语一网打尽!

  10. English for Everyday Activities 图解日常活动英语一书,从每日起床开始讲解每日的日常活动有关的英语词汇,句型,以及英语的用法,并且配有图片,让学生一目了然的学习到有用的英语表达方法。. 值得深入学习。. 安娜是个傻猴创作的外语有声书作品English for ...