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  1. 2022年5月20日 · 大學面試十分重要,尤其是自我介紹(Self-introduction)!大學Interview一定有自我介紹的環節。應付大學面試,一個出色的引入可以留下一個深刻的印象,但可謂出眾地介紹自己呢?今次Tutor Circle

  2. 2020年12月11日 · 大學面試是一個很難得的機會,如何表現好的話更加有機會得到加分,增加你們成功入讀的機會。 那麼,如何在大學面試中表現出色呢? 🤔 今天 NoteSity 小編就和你們分析一下大學面試的各項重點吧! 😆. 1. 大學面試常見日期 📅. 大學的面試通常會在6月到7月舉行,視符不同大學的個別安排。 因為大家可能在文憑試放榜之後,可能會在 JUPAS 改選你們心儀的大學科目,所以在放榜前後,大學都會安排同學來面試。 大家記得留意有沒有收到大學有關面試的電郵,以及面試的時間地點。 2. 大學面試常見科目 📚. 很多大學中比較重視學生技巧和實際表現的科目,都希望直接與同學見個面,看看同學的語言、表現能力、個人的價值觀等等,以衡量同學是否適合這一科。

  3. 相信大家都知道,所有嘅Non-JUPAS/JUPAS interview基本上都係用英文嚟進行,而且當你入到U,大部份嘅course,甚至你嘅同學都係講英文,所以英文嘅重要性真係不容忽視!. 如果你係初中嘅同學就可以嘗試下睇多啲英文書/戲/報章,慢慢耳濡目染咁去學。. 而如果 ...

  4. 2023年7月27日 · Attending an interview is a great way for applicants to experience a university firsthand, and to engage in exciting academic discussions with admissions tutors. However, lots of students can find the interview process nerve-wracking, and so it’s helpful to thoroughly prepare so you can feel confident and well-equipped on interview day.

  5. 2020年6月23日 · Acing your Interview when Applying to Universities in Hong Kong for an Undergraduate Degree. Application Process. As interviews are an important component of the admission process, let’s discuss some tips on how to ace your interview which you need to keep in mind while applying to universities in Hong Kong for your undergraduate ...

  6. 2023年12月4日 · Preparing for university interviews can often feel like navigating uncharted territory. This is because many students don't receive help from college counselors. To help bridge this gap, I've put together a list of practice questions, compiled from various sources and including actual university questions from real interviews.

  7. 2024年8月29日 · If you’ve got a university admission interview coming up, you’re probably wondering how you can prepare, and what questions you’re likely to face, which may be similar to those you’ll hear in a job interview. Read on for an overview of the most common university interview questions, and advice on how to answer them….