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  1. 2020年5月21日 · What is epoxy putty? Epoxy putties are made up of two soft parts. When these two parts are mixed together, a chemical reaction takes place, causing the putty to harden. Whilst soft, epoxy putty can be kneaded by hand and moulded into use for the repair or

  2. 2020年12月14日 · A sharing on how to use epoxy putty for customizing model kit. This video will walkthrough from how to do preparation before use and the 3 most usual using method. Hope this can be a reference...

  3. 2023年5月17日 · 優點: 1、玻璃膠替代產品、防水、防霉、易清潔。 2、操作簡單方便:免工具、免技術、徒手即可操作。 3、粘性特佳:混合後初期粘性特佳、獨具接著、修補、 塑型 、補強、防漏等功能; 4、固化後堅固如鋼鐵:可耐酸鹼、耐高溫、不老化、不霉變、不收縮、並可在潮濕面、水中和汽油中附著凝固適合不同環境施工使用。 5、色彩多種選擇:可以調配成各種適宜的顏色,而且還可以定做金銀等特殊顏色。 6、固化時間短:完全固化時間有1小時、6小時、 16小時等系列,可迅速切實的解決問題。 7、接著強度高:可與任何材質結構成一體(橡膠除外)。 8、現場施工、不影響原有裝修; 9、迅速、方便、牢固、美觀、耐用。 缺點: 1. 施工表面要求較高:若施工表面有粉塵、液體、油脂等髒汙,即有可能造成塑鋼土無法確實黏合。 2.

  4. Epoxy putty 1012 環氧黏合膠泥是一種雙組份的環氧樹脂膠泥, 由於樹脂和固化劑都加有大量精制的粉質填料,使它易於用手 (戴手套)捏和均勻而不黏手,並可做成各種形狀。. 固化後的膠泥對金屬、混凝土、塑膠、木材等都具有很強的黏結力,固化物表面堅硬,具有 ...

  5. The RS PRO epoxy putty is the perfect choice for when you want to repair any object made of steel. It comes in a handy stick, so no measuring is required. This adhesive putty is ideal for bonding and repairing metals and it can also be used for underwater applications.

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Epoxy_puttyEpoxy putty - Wikipedia

    Epoxy putty refers to a group of room-temperature-hardening substances used as space-filling adhesives. Exact compositions vary according to manufacturer and application. They are stored until used as two components of clay-like consistency.

  7. When choosing your epoxy putty, you need to consider the intended use and the substrate to which your putty needs to bond. Different options include wood epoxy putty, marine epoxy putty, and quick steel epoxy putty.

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