雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. English Schools Foundation - the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student through a personalised approach to learning and by inspiring curious minds.

  2. 你的一個決定,替孩子開通無限前路! 現在申請. 英基是全港最大型的國際學校組織,提供國際教育的 22 所學校中提供從 K1 到 Y13 的 IB 課程。. |英基學校協會.

  3. English Schools Foundation - the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student through a personalised approach to learning and by inspiring curious minds.

  4. The English Schools Foundation (ESF) is the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student through a personalised approach to learning and by inspiring curious minds.

  5. 2023年8月1日 · ESF offers world-class education from K1 to Year 13. Do you want to enrol your child in an ESF school? Choose a school type (Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary, Support for Learning) and discover how to apply for admission. Everything else you might need to

  6. 英基九龍小學. 香港九龍何文田巴富街20號. 成立. 1902. 學生年齡. 5-11歲. 學生人數. 900. 課程. 國際文憑小學課程. 關於我們學校. 英基九龍小學明白每位孩子都獨一無二並以這為基礎帶來超卓的教育。 我們致力支持你的孩子發展技能和熱忱,確保他們善良快樂,不斷學習。 我們走遍全球各地,甄選最傑出的教師,因為我們深深明白,優秀的老師能為孩子帶來最大薰陶。 英基九龍小學使用遵循國際預科文憑小學課程 (IB PYP)。 這種創新的學習方式,鼓勵孩子提問、探索、調查和試驗,協助他們順利過渡至英基中學更高程度的IB課程。 家長是我們不可或缺的合作夥伴,我們會致力協助你了解孩子的進度,並提供大量機會參與其中。 我們誠意歡迎大家加入我們共同學習,幫助學生在教育和生活上邁向成功。

  7. The English Schools Foundation ( ESF) is an organisation that runs 22 international schools in Hong Kong. It is Hong Kong's largest English-medium organisation of international schools. [4] It was founded in 1967 with the passage of the English Schools Foundation Ordinance.

  8. 英基小學. 英基中學. 私營獨立學校. 除了以上 9 所小學及 5 所中學外,英基近年開辦 2 所私營獨立學校,各提供由小學到中學的完整 IB 課程。 英基幼稚園. 英基開辦 5 所國際幼稚園,為 3-5 歲學童提供以探究式學習及遊戲為本的英語教育。 學生每天分上、下午班上課,各三小時。 英基學校協會網站快照,攝於:2023-05-14。 搜尋關鍵字:英基幼稚園、英基小學、英基中學、英基國際學校、英基學費、英基國際小學、英基國際幼稚園、英基幼稚園學費、英基教育、英基國際學校學費、英基中學及小學的學費、英基學校協會. 英基是香港最大規模、以英語為教學語言的國際教育課程提供者,現時營運有五所中學、九所小學及一所為有特殊教育需要的學生而設的學校,遍佈港、九及新界。

  9. English Schools Foundation - the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student through a personalised approach to learning and by inspiring curious minds.

  10. English Schools Foundation - the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong. Our 22 schools and comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities bring out the best in every student through a personalised approach to learning and by inspiring curious minds.

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