雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. All-Through Schools. Tuition fees are payable over ten months of the year and are deducted monthly by autopay. Application Fee. The application fee for the pre-kindergarten class at ESF Tung Chung International Kindergarten and ESF Language & Learning Centre (Wan Chai) is HK$40.

  2. 英基東涌國際幼稚園及英基語言學習中心的幼兒學前班申請費為港幣$40。 每份申請的費用均不予退還且不可轉讓,收取費用並不保證將提供學校名額或面試。 該費用不會影響優先分配上午或下午課程,隨機分配以確保所有成功申請平等。 申請費用於支付在線申請系統的行政費用,以及為入學評估目的而進行的見面會和家長面試的工作人員費用。 如果幼稚園需要更多有關學童的資訊,學校可能會再次邀請學童到訪幼稚園。 幼稚園可能會讓特殊教育專家參與見面會。 可贖回幼稚園債券. 由2020/21學年起,新生在接受幼稚園學位時,須購買A類或B類債券。 A類及B類債券的面值分別為港幣$500,000及港幣$7,000。 債券不可轉讓,並將在孩子在幼稚園上學的最後一天後30天內退還,但須提前一個月以書面形式通知提款。

  3. The average fee increase of 2.9% for 2022/23 across all schools is at the minimum level required to ensure we cover our costs and maintain the quality of education. The table below outlines the range of school fees for 2022/23, subject to final approval by the Education Bureau (EDB).

  4. 2021年6月29日 · 本港有多間國際學校,相對較少功課及考試壓力,而在課程、理念、學費、債權證計劃等不盡相同,TOPick為家長搜羅22間熱門國際學校的資料,可參考下︰. 英基國際學校(English Schools Foundation) 英基學校協會(ESF)轄下共有22間學校,包括5間幼稚園、9間小學、5間中學及3間私營獨立學校(包括1間特殊學校),推行幼稚園至高中「一條龍」入學政策,學生只可按照其香港地址報讀區內的英基小學或中學(不包括啓新書院及智新書院)。 香港島包括︰白普理小學、己連拿小學、堅尼地小學、山頂小學、鰂魚涌小學、港島中學、南島中學和西島中學。

  5. As we plan for the upcoming year, the Board has given approval for an average fee increase of 4.8%. The breakdown of this increase is provided in the table below. Following on from the changes made this year, the overall fees you will pay will include the

  6. In order to allow us to continue to invest in our people, the Board has approved an average fee increase for ESF Schools of 5.8% for the coming year. This level, however, includes a significant change in how we bill parents for compulsory charges during the academic year.

  7. English Schools Foundation (ESF Schools) is a Day School located in Hong Kong. Find out more about their tuition fees, curriculum, read real reviews from parents, and easily contact the admission office.

  8. ESF - The Diplomates 22所英基國際學校,締造無限可能。 英基在香港有22所國際頂尖的學校提供國際教育,為你的孩子選擇理想的學校再簡單不過了。

  9. All ESF schools are non-selective academically. However, as English is the medium of instruction, it is essential that students demonstrate fluency in English before admission can be considered. For full information please visit the ESF Admissions page

  10. Choose a school type (Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary, Support for Learning) and discover how to apply for admission. Everything else you might need to know about applying to ESF: School fees, Admissions FAQ.