eslite hong kong telephone 相關
廣告代理多個品牌電話系統、電話錄音系統 安裝及保養,並銷售通訊中心電話軟件
地址. 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號希慎廣場8/F-10/F. 服務電話. 3419-6789. 營業時間. 週一 ~ 週日:10:00-22:00. 2012年8月,誠品在香港銅鑼灣成立了海外第一家店。 誠品香港扮演「參與城市文化塑造」的成員之一,身處充滿活躍經濟能量的國際城市,座落最繁華熱鬧的商圈,期望以新的思維與氣息,引發香港民眾潛在的閱讀能量,並透過空間與活動形塑出一種靜謐安定的氛圍,使匆忙的都市人來到這裡,從容沉澱下來,成為讀者得以「安頓身心、從容停泊的心靈港口」,共創香港的城市精彩! 樓層介紹. 門市服務及設施. 交通方式. 優惠活動. 【秋日調色盤】迎接慵懶而愜意的秋天. 活動日期 ∣ 2024/10/14~2024/11/14.
contact us. common problem. Record questions. We value your opinion, and very happy to answer your question, please provide the following information to help us to deal with and respond as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation and wish you have a full and happy life reading.
香港九龍大角咀海泓道1號奧海城三期地下高層UG55-58, 80-88號舖. 營業時間. 週一 ~ 週五:11:00-21:00. 星期六、日及公眾假期:10:30-21:30. 店別詳情. 誠品書店屯門店. 香港屯門新墟屯門鄉事會路83號 V city MTR層M-6及7號舖.
eslite誠品 | Official Website. search_result_str. Language. 繁體中文简体中文English日本語.
The all-in-one mall encompasses a 270-degree Observatory Deck, world-class shopping, dining, entertainment and some of Hong Kong’s best sights. One of Hong Kong’s best experiences and landmarks awaits you today.
You can choose from six eslite Spectrum lifestyle bookstores in Hong Kong for the Taiwanese chain, including a 41,000 sq ft flagship store at Hysan Place (500 Hennessy Road). The company, founded in 1989 in Taiwan, features spacious bookstores full of interesting books, stationery products, and a range of related lifestyle items.
Hotline. 3419 1188. Opening hours. Monday – Sunday. 10:00 – 22:00. About. Eslite Spectrum Tai Koo Store, fusing the line of reading and living, has a rich collection of books, contains the most living brands and the largest children's section, extending the concept of “family”, welcomes everyone to come and enjoy reading! Links. Official site.