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  1. 2016年3月26日 · 第一個為 Propofol,為剛做完手術病患常用的鎮靜藥物,藥理分類為全身麻醉劑 (general anesthetic),機轉為增強 GABA受體活性,並阻斷 NMDA受體,減少興奮性神經傳導物質 glutamate作用。 愛用的原因為其特性來的快、去得快,起始作用 (onset)只要 10-30秒,維持時間 (duration)只有 3-10分鐘,關掉藥物一小段時間病患即可醒來,非常方便。

  2. We conducted the randomized clinical trial EPIC (Etomidate vs Propofol for In-hospital Complications) to test the primary hypothesis that etomidate for induction and maintenance of anesthesia does not increase in-hospital morbidity after abdominal surgery in older patients compared with propofol.

  3. 2023年2月2日 · Etomidate may be a good alternative to propofol for gastrointestinal endoscopy, especially advanced endoscopy. Etomidate appears to be safe as an inducer for hemodynamically unstable patients or older adult patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy.

  4. Propofol, ketamine, and etomidate are common IV anesthetic agents used for induction of general anesthesia prior to rapid sequence intubation in critically ill patients (2).

  5. The combined use of propofol and etomidate can improve and produce an apparent beneficial effect on the adverse effects of propofol or etomidate alone, and it was safer and more effective than propofol or etomidate alone.

  6. 2022年10月26日 · Propofol, etomidate, and ketamine are the intravenous (IV) sedative-hypnotic agents commonly used to induce general anesthesia (table 1), while adjuvant agents (eg, opioids, lidocaine, midazolam, and volatile anesthetics) are often used to supplement the effects of the primary sedative-hypnotic induction agent (table 2).

  7. DISCUSSION Etomidate has few effects on the contractility of cardiac muscle; therefore, it triggers the least amount of variation in hemodynamics of intravenous anesthetics. In addition, it induces less respiratory depression than propofol. Owing to these ...

  8. Propofol and etomidate both provide excellent conditions, safety profile and quick recovery for EC. We suggest that in old, sick and critically ill patient etomidate should be preferred over propofol to maintain haemodynamic stability and early recovery. But utmost

  9. 2023年6月26日 · Etomidate is used to increase the seizure duration potential and has shown to be superior to propofol and thiopental. Etomidate has been used off-label to inhibit steroidogenesis in patients with Cushing syndrome.

  10. 2016年6月17日 · Etomidate is a new emerging drug that provides hemodynamic and respiratory stability, even in high-risk patient groups. The objective of this study was to compare safety and efficacy profiles of etomidate and propofol for endoscopic sedation. Methods.