The Eustachian tube (/ j uː ˈ s t eɪ ʃ ən /), also called the auditory tube or pharyngotympanic tube, [1] is a tube that links the nasopharynx to the middle ear, of which it is also a part. In adult humans, the Eustachian tube is approximately 35 mm (1.4 in) long and
耳咽管或称听管、咽鼓管、欧氏管(英语:Eustachian tube、E-tube或 auditory tube),是连接咽喉和中耳的管道,在解剖学上属于中耳,位于鼓室下部。 成人的耳咽管约3.5厘米长。
2024年4月2日 · Your eustachian (you-STAY-shee-un) tubes are tubes made of bone and cartilage that run from your middle ears to the back of your nose and throat. Healthcare providers may call them auditory (hearing) tubes or pharyngotympanic (throat to eardrum) tubes.
耳咽管或稱聽管、咽鼓管、歐氏管(英語:Eustachian tube、E-tube或 auditory tube),是連接咽喉和中耳的管道,在解剖學上屬於中耳,位於鼓室下部。 成人的耳咽管約3.5厘米長。
2023年3月5日 · It is a hollow tube that is lined with microscopic, hair-like projections (cilia) that sweep mucus away from the middle ear toward the nasopharynx. There are six muscles that help the eustachian tube open and close. The muscles are located in the ear, head, neck, soft palate, and jaw.
2020年5月11日 · 耳咽管是連結耳朵與靠近 鼻腔 出口的一條細窄管道,這條管道除了連結 咽部 之外,另一側則連接位於鼓膜 (Tympanic membrane,又稱耳膜)之後的中耳 (Middle ear)。 耳咽管可以幫助平衡耳內壓力以及排出中耳內的分泌物等液體,如同上述提到飛機起降所引起的耳鳴狀況,便是耳咽管沒有做好平衡耳內壓力的工作,導致耳內壓力與外界壓力相差過大,使得鼓膜凹陷產生疼痛,但這個症狀可以透過吞 口水 、 咀嚼 或 打哈欠 來改善。 因為耳咽管會在進行這些動作時開啟,發揮平衡壓力的作用. 耳咽管功能喪失原因.
2024年3月23日 · The Eustachian tube (auditory or pharyngotympanic tube) is a canal that connects the tympanic cavity (of the middle ear) to the nasopharynx. It is derived from the embryonic first pharyngeal pouch. It is a distinct organ which plays several roles in auditory physiology.