雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. corporate.exxonmobil.com › locations › hong-kongHong Kong - ExxonMobil

    ExxonMobil is one of the leading petroleum, lubricant and petrochemical marketers in Hong Kong. It is dedicated to creating positive change in Hong Kong while offering a full range of quality fuel, lubricating oils and petrochemical products and services.

  2. 電郵: hkretailhotline@exxonmobil.com 電話: +852 3197 8188 批發燃料(商業用戶) 電話: +852 800 933 696 埃克森美孚化工 網頁: https://www.exxonmobilchemical.com/en/resources/contact-us

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. We provide quality fuel solutions for wide-ranging commercial needs, including gasoline, diesel, and automotive liquefied petroleum gas (auto-LPG). As one of the leading suppliers of bulk fuels in Hong Kong, we have been helping our customers to meet their energy needs for over 120 years.

  5. corporate.exxonmobil.com › locations › hong-kongAbout ExxonMobil Hong Kong

    ExxonMobil's history in Hong Kong dates back to 1895 with the set-up of the Standard Oil Co. of New York (Socony) at The Praya, which sold mainly kerosene and lubricants under the Mobil brand name. ExxonMobil uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs.

  6. 埃克森美孚 — 香港 埃克森美孚是香港業內領先的石油、潤滑油及石油化工產品營銷商之一。 我們在香港經營業務超過120年,隨著顧客的需求改變,我們在香港的業務規模亦從最初的煤油經銷,逐漸擴展至石油、潤滑油和石油化工產品供應領域。

  7. 探索 ExxonMobil 香港的營運事業版圖。 公司 業務 埃克森美孚是香港業內領先的石油、潤滑油及石油化工產品營銷商之一,致力為香港作出 貢獻,並提供一系列優質燃料、潤滑油及石油化工產品和服務。

  8. www.exxonmobil.com › zh-hkExxonMobil


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