雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. FAMCICLOVIR的用量作用機轉、副作用、懷孕及哺乳用藥與藥物交互作用,FAMCICLOVIR適應症:帶狀疱疹及生殖器疱疹急性感染、抑制反覆性生殖器疱疹復發。

  2. 泛昔洛韦(Famciclovir)是第二代开环核苷类抗病毒药,主要用于疱疹病毒感染,尤其是带状疱疹。 泛昔洛韦为 喷昔洛韦 前药 ,在肠壁和肝脏经酶转化为喷昔洛韦。

  3. 2023年8月4日 · Famciclovir is an antiviral medicine that is used to treat infections caused by herpes viruses, including genital herpes, cold sores, and shingles. Famciclovir is sometimes used in people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who develop herpes outbreaks around the mouth, genitals, or anal area.

  4. Treatment of initial and recurrent episodes or suppressive therapy in immunocompetent adults. Initial episode (off-label): 250 mg PO q8hr for 7-10 days. Suppressive therapy: 250 mg PO q12hr for up...

  5. Famciclovir為新一代核苷類似物之抗病毒藥物,有效縮短疱疹病程、降低復發次數及減少帶狀疱疹後神經疼痛症狀。 此藥屬於處方藥,應於醫師診斷開立處方後使用。 帶狀疱疹及復發型生殖器疱疹是由於免疫力或抵抗力降低所引起,平時應保持良好生活作息、充分休息及維持適度營養,可減少感染及復發次數。 回瀏覽頁. 快速連結. CopyRight 衛生福利部恆春旅遊醫院.

  6. Famciclovir is best used within 48 hours after the symptoms of shingles (for example, pain, burning, blisters) begin to appear, or within 6 hours after the symptoms of recurrent genital herpes (for example, pain, blisters) begin to appear. Famciclovir may be taken with or without food.

  7. Famciclovir. This information is not country-specific. Please refer to the Hong Kong prescribing information. Generic Medicine Info. Indications and Dosage. Oral. Herpes zoster (shingles) Adult: 500 mg tid for 7 days. Immunocompromised patients: 500 mg tid for 10 days. Oral. Recurrent herpes labialis. Adult: 1.5 g as a single dose. Oral.

  8. Famciclovir用藥指導單張★ 英文發音:fam SYE klo veer ★ 規格:Famvir (Famciclovir 250mg/Tablet) 醫師為什麼會開此藥?本藥可用於帶狀疱疹及生殖器疱疹急性感染,抑制 . 覆性生殖器疱疹復發。如有需要請 . 您的醫師或藥師諮 . . ★此藥該如何使用?1. 請遵照醫囑及藥袋上的指示 ...

  9. 2021年5月3日 · Famciclovir is used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses. It treats shingles caused by herpes zoster. It also treats outbreaks of herpes simplex that cause cold sores around the...

  10. 2005年6月13日 · Famciclovir, marketed as Famvir by Novartis, is a guanine analogue used to treat herpes virus infections. It is most commonly used to treat herpes zoster (shingles). Famciclovir is a prodrug of penciclovir with higher oral bioavailability. Type Small Molecule Groups

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