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  1. family mediation judiciary 相關

  2. 超過十年合法收帳經驗,客戶包括各大銀行及信用咭中心等,信譽可靠! 解決賬務疑難、專業賬務管理,來自環球利高顧問公司!


  1. In order to assist the parties to understand the nature of mediation and how it will help the litigants to resolve their disputes, an Integrated Mediation Office together with this Mediation dedicated webpage are set up and customized to serve the litigants in court

  2. 家事調解是一個解決問題的方法,為正在分居或離婚的夫婦而設,協助他們就有關子女和財務事宜的持續安排達成雙方均接受的協議。 這是一個自願參與的服務,由經過訓練的調解員,秉持不偏不倚的宗旨,協助雙方在保密的情況下就有關的事宜作溝通和協商。 在此過程中各方均有機會陳述其論點並聆聽對方的說法。 調解員的任務並非為各方作出決定,而是幫助各方探討其論據的強弱,並尋求可行的解決方案,從而協助各方達成和解的協議。 調解員受過專門訓練,善於打破談判僵局,並能令各方專注於尋求解決方案。 在進行家事調解會談的時候,調解員會協助你們: 討論和確定雙方在哪些方面有爭議. 探討雙方各自的需要和利益. 盡量尋求各種可行的解決方案並選擇最適合的解決方法. 擬訂詳細的協議,列明你們同意如何解決每項問題. 為誰而設?

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 為使各方當事人了解調解的性質,以及調解如何有助於訴訟人解決爭議,司法機構設立了綜合調解辦事處,並專與調解有關的事項而設計了本網頁,以供法院訴訟人使用,藉此利便他們尋求專業團體的安排進行調解。 本網頁解釋甚麽是調解及調解如何使你獲益,並簡介由綜合調解辦事處、綜合調解辦事處 (西九龍)和建築物管理調解統籌主任辦事處所舉辦的調解資訊講座,及各辦事處所提供的服務和設施。 此外,本網頁亦提供有用的資料,例如本港各調解機構的名單及聯絡方法,以供參考。 此等程序包括藉原訴傳票開展的法律程序,其後經法庭命令須猶如該宗訟案或事宜是藉令狀開展一樣地繼續進行。 參閲第28號命令第8條規則。 請參閲實務指示31附件A以了解該實務指示不適用的法律程序。 服務範圍及設施. 綜合調解辦事處 (西九龍)

  5. The information session on Family Mediation or General Mediation aims to assist the parties to understand the nature of mediation and how it facilitates court users to resolve their disputes. It is neither a mediation session nor a counselling service. The information session will be conducted in Cantonese.

  6. 2022年1月6日 · Making an appointment of information session on mediation. Appointment Booking. Enquire/Amend/Cancel Appointment/Update Contact Information. Link for Demonstration Video. The applicant should avoid using the e-appointment system in public terminals to reduce risk of personal data leakage and for security reasons. Back.

  7. "Family Mediation is a non-adversarial, co-operative decision-making process in which a qualified and impartial third party, "the mediator", helps family members resolve by agreement their disputes, including but not limited to those arising from separation or divorce.

  8. To facilitate the greater use of mediation services for dispute settlement, a new centre named the Integrated Mediation Office (West Kowloon) (“IMO(WK)”) of the Judiciary has commenced operation on 5 July 2022 at the premises of the WKMC.

  1. family mediation judiciary 相關

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