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  1. fancl collagen drink 價錢 相關

  2. 產品多元化,供應予連鎖快餐店、甜品店、酒店等。 供應予連鎖快餐店、甜品店、日本餐廳、酒店等。


  1. C80162, FANCL, 美肌膠原蛋白飲料 3盒*10 (1盒10支)HTC Deep Charge Collagen (557058) (平行進口), Fancl 膠原蛋白飲 HTC Collagen (一個月份量) 美白 骨膠原 抗衰老 飲料 嫩肌 美膚 直接由日本進口,日本Fancl最新膠原蛋白飲新舊包裝隨機發貨, HKTVmall 香港最大網購平台.

  2. 2022年7月8日 · FANCL 這款膠原蛋白美肌飲料含果香味,添加了玫瑰花蕾提取物與維他命C,亦獲得日本專利認證其「促進膠原蛋白合成」功效,擴大肌膚的儲水空間,令皮膚時刻保持水潤、重拾彈性! 美容飲推薦|獲A級評分:FANCL Deep Charge Collagen 膠原蛋白美肌飲料 HK$208/10支裝(SaSa 官網) 美容飲推薦|獲A級評分:Lion PAIR® A 858日元(港幣約$50)/3支裝. 都市女生很多時候都會因為生活及飲食習慣不夠規律而令陳陳代謝下降,從而影響肌膚質素,並受粉刺問題困擾,Lion PAIR® A 則有助去除死皮細胞、皮脂及其他廢物,幫助改善粉刺及皮膚粗糙等問題,由內而外地改善皮膚狀況。

  3. M21120, FANCL, 美肌膠原蛋白飲 10支裝 (新版)(平行進口), HTC 日本三肽美肌膠原蛋白飲 (Collagen DX TENSE UP),是美容飲品。, HKTVmall 香港最大網購平台.

    • FANCL
    • Fancl Skincare and Advanced Skincare
    • Fancl Makeup
    • Fancl Personal Care
    • Fancl Supplements

    This category is divided into 2, normal skincare and advanced skincare. What differs is that the advanced type caters to skin with special needs. In the skincare product line-up, you can find products that cover cleansing, all-in-one washes, and Anti-Aging creams. On top of that, it targets various skin concerns such as dryness, ageing, pore-minimi...

    Aside from skincare, FANCL offers a variety of makeup products including face primers, concealers, foundations and powders. To create a smooth and flawless base for your makeup, look to FANCL’s Skincare Base Bright Up UV SPF35 PA+++. This lightweight primer forms the perfect matte base for your makeup while also blurring the appearance of pores and...

    Under this category, Fancl offers products that will improve your overall well-being with its body series, hair series, and baby series. Prevent signs of ageing with body lotions, shower gels, and firming hand cream. For the healthcare series, Fancl offers haircare repair shampoo, hair essence, and styling conditioner. They even have a baby series ...

    We love advanced nutritional support and superfoods. Fancl explores this love that we share with many others in producing their very own line of supplements. Fancl offers supplements such as Fiber Support MIX, Perfect Vegetable, Perfect Slim Alpha, Perfect Slim Drink Multi-Shape, Calorie Limit, and Clear Control AC.

  4. www.fancl-hk.comFANCL

    FANCL,有別於一般護膚品,堅持研製不用防腐劑、有害化學添加劑的美容及健康食品,給消費者帶來更深徹、更持久的健康與美麗。 【禮品換領】優惠價HKD1,799 即可換領「Apple AirPods Pro (第二代)」一部!(價值:HKD1,849)

  5. FANCL Deep Charge Collagen 膠原蛋白飲料. $ 220.00. 產品編號 : BL000011400容量:50ml x10瓶入. 新版全新包裝 加強左collagen. 桃味 容易入口. 每日1枝補充膠原. 最快、最高效HTC膠原蛋白:每支含有3000mg的HTC膠原蛋白 (舊版2xxxmg),較一般膠原蛋白更速效被肌膚吸收,有效補充肌膚每日流失的膠原蛋白。 提升修復機能:促進肌膚的更新,令肌膚的營養輸送更佳,提升肌膚的修復機能。 肌膚年齡持久年輕:膠原蛋白是維持肌膚彈性緊緻的重要元素,持續補充,能改善鬆弛、毛孔粗大,皺紋等問題,保持肌膚年齡年輕。 肌膚柔滑飽滿:擴大肌膚的儲水空間,讓肌膚的含水量時刻處於年青狀態,令出現粗糙、幹紋現象的肌膚回覆柔滑飽滿。