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  1. 1. 告病假原因(如病徵、複診、做手術等) 2. 告病假日期(全日、上午或下午等) 3. 醫生 證明(如有) 請病假範例一:透過WhatsApp或Signal即日告病假. Good morning, Carson. I started to suffer from diarrhea last night. Please grant me sick leave today. Thanks! 請病假範例二:透過電郵告即日告病假. Hi Andrew. Sorry to inform you that I have had a fever since last night with a headache and coughing.

  2. 2022年7月9日 · When you take a sick leave, it's important to communicate that you will be out of the office and the length of your absence to your clients, coworkers, managers or other key stakeholders. In this article, we discuss how you can communicate your sick leave effectively to people at work by sending a quick and easy sick leave email.

  3. 請病假的Email範本. 情境1:受傷請長假. Hi Mr. Wong, I would like to request ten days of sick leave starting 31st August. I injured my leg over the weekend and tore a ligament on my knee. I was advised by the doctor to stay home for a minimum of two weeks as my daily commute would put a strain on my leg and worsen my condition.

  4. 2016年10月27日 · 準! Sick leave 請病假方法! 天氣轉涼,一下唔小心或者捱夜後就病左。 但點樣快速又清晰咁請病假? 參考以下嘅請病假英文例子啦! Morning, I haven’t been feeling well since last night. I would therefore request you to please grant me sick leave. Thank you! 早晨! 昨晚開始有點不舒服。 請允許我休病假。 謝謝! Morning, I am suffering from fever since last night, so I am not able to come to the office today.

  5. 2022年7月21日 · 打工仔總有寫sick leave email的時候這封信到底應該點寫呢? 相信很多人都為此苦惱過,您只要照足本文的6招去做,這封病假信就會令人舒服,很有交待。

  6. Crafting a well-written Sick Leave Email To the Manager is an essential step for informing your employer about your absence. However, writing sick leave emails can be tricky, and people often struggle to express themselves professionally while providing necessary information.

  7. 2023年11月16日 · Send a sick leave email and put yourself (and your officemates) first, by keeping your germs at home while you recover. Here, we’ll explore the art of writing a sick leave email, including when and how to send one, and we’ll give several examples.