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      Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules ...

  2. Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules (Cap. 571 sub. leg. N) Contents Section Page Part 1 Preliminary 1. (Omitted as spent) 1-2 2. Interpretation 1-2 2A. Meaning of gross foreign currency position 1-64 2B. Meaning of haircut amount 1-66 2C.

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  4. Securities and Futures (Financial Resources) Rules (Cap. 571 sub. leg. N) Contents Section Page Part 1 Preliminary 1. (Omitted as spent) 1-2 2. Interpretation 1-2 2A. Meaning of gross foreign currency position 1-64 2B. Meaning of haircut amount 1-66 2F.

  5. This page is designed to assist you to locate circulars, FAQs and thematic reports published by Intermediaries Supervision. Please click on the frequently searched terms or enter keywords for an advanced search.

  6. Financial resources rules and financial return. (Q23, 25 and 28 were updated on 24 February 2022) (Q20 was outdated and removed on 24 February 2022) Expand all. Collapse all. A. General. Q1 : What is liquid capital? A: Liquid capital is one kind of the financial resources that a licensed corporation is required to maintain under the rules.

  7. Introduction. Yvonne Mok Associate Director of Intermediaries Supervision. Financial Resources Rules. ♦ Liquid capital requirement ♦ Paid up share capital requirement ♦ Transitional arrangements.

  8. FINANCIAL RESOURCES RULES. 《財政資源規則) (由證券及期貨事務監察委員會於諮詢財政司司長後根據 《證券及期貨事務監察委員會條例》(第24章) 第28條訂立) 第I部. 導言. 生效日期. 本規則自證券及期貨事務監察委員會主席以憲報公告指定的日期起實施。 釋義. 在本規則中,除文意另有所指外 ─ “介紹經紀"(introducing broker)指令監察委員會信納為符合以下說明的交易商 ─ (a) 就其獲註冊進行的業務而言,除下列業務外,該交易商並無經營任何業務 ─ 收受其他人士為達成證券交易或期貨或期權合約買賣而作出的要約,並以該等人士的名義將該等要約傳達予聯合交易所的會員、附表5所指明的證券市場的會員或附表6所指明的期貨或期權市場的會員;或.

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