雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2003年5月30日 · The movie involves the adventures of little Nemo, a clown fish born with an undersized fin and an oversized curiosity. His father, Marlin, worries obsessively over him, because Nemo is all he has left: Nemo’s mother and all of her other eggs were lost to barracudas.

    • Jules

      But it also seems to be battling and sometimes ...

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Finding_NemoFinding Nemo - Wikipedia

    Plot. A clownfish named Marlin and his wife, Coral, live happily in an anemone in the Great Barrier Reef. They are about to become parents, waiting for their many eggs to hatch. A barracuda approaches the anemone and knocks Marlin unconscious.

  3. Synopsis. Two clownfish, Marlin (Albert Brooks) and his wife Coral (Elizabeth Perkins), admire the view from their new home within a sea anemone overlooking the drop off of a coral reef. Below them, their clutch of eggs lies hidden in a small hole. Excited to be first-time parents, they discuss names, Coral expressing her fondness for "Nemo."

  4. Finding Nemo Summary. Back. More. Lights, camera, action! This fish tale begins with a pretty sad story. Two clownfish—Marlin and Coral—have found a beautiful sea anemone home in the Great Barrier Reef to wait for the birth of their 400 little fish eggs. These are two proud parents-to-be. And then everything turns into a sob-fest. (Classic Pixar.)

  5. 海底總動員》(英語: Finding Nemo,香港譯《海底奇兵》)是一部由 華特迪士尼影片 和 皮克斯動畫工作室 製作的 美國 電腦動畫 電影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作發行的第五部長篇 動畫電影。 這部電影的故事和劇本是由 安德魯·史丹頓 來編寫,導演則是史丹頓以及 李·安克里治 兩人。 其故事主要敘述一隻過度保護兒子的 眼斑海葵魚 馬林(Marlin)和牠在路上碰到的 擬刺尾鯛 多莉(Dory)兩人一同在汪洋大海中尋找馬林失去的兒子尼莫(Nemo)。 在路途中,馬林漸漸了解到牠必須要勇於冒險、以及牠的兒子已經有能力照顧自己了。 這部電影上映後即獲得了空前的好評,並於2004年成功獲得了 奧斯卡最佳動畫片獎。

  6. 海底總動員》(英語: Finding Nemo,香港译《海底奇兵》)是一部由華特迪士尼影片和皮克斯動畫工作室製作的美國 電腦動畫 電影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作發行的第五部長篇動畫電影。

  7. Finding Nemo is a 2003 American computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film written and directed by Andrew Stanton, released by Walt Disney Pictures on May 30, 2003, and the fifth film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It tells the story of an over-protective clownfish named Marlin (Albert...