Marlin is the protagonist of Disney/Pixar's 2003 animated film Finding Nemo and the tritagonist of its 2016 sequel. He is the widower of Coral and the father of Nemo and 399 unborn clownfish children. Marlin is a clownfish who makes his home inside a sea anemone in the Great Barrier Reef. He...
Marlin is one of the main characters of Finding Nemo and one of the main characters of Finding Dory. He is Nemo's father and Coral's husband. He is a clownfish. He is the most overprotective and...
In the colorful and warm tropical waters of the Great Barrier Reef, a Clown Fish named Marlin lives safe and secluded in his anemone home with his only son, Nemo. Fearful of the ocean and its unpredictable risks, he struggles to protect his son.
Plot. A clownfish named Marlin and his wife, Coral, live happily in an anemone in the Great Barrier Reef. They are about to become parents, waiting for their many eggs to hatch. A barracuda approaches the anemone and knocks Marlin unconscious.
《海底總動員》(英語: Finding Nemo,香港譯《海底奇兵》)是一部由華特迪士尼影片和皮克斯動畫工作室製作的美國 電腦動畫 電影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作發行的第五部長篇動畫電影。
年分頒獎組織獎項受獎人(若有)DVD獨家獎(DVD Exclusive Awards(英語:DVD ...最佳幕後花絮里克·巴特(Rick Butle)比爾·金德(Bill ...DVD獨家獎(DVD Exclusive Awards(英語:DVD ...最佳刪減片段比爾·金德(Bill Kinder)安德魯·史丹頓羅傑·古德(Roger ...DVD獨家獎(DVD Exclusive Awards(英語:DVD ...最佳互動以及遊戲比爾·金德(Bill Kinder)大衛·傑森(David ...DVD獨家獎(DVD Exclusive Awards(英語:DVD ...最佳選單設計比爾·金德(Bill Kinder)大衛·傑森(David ...《海底總動員》(英語: Finding Nemo,香港译《海底奇兵》)是一部由華特迪士尼影片和皮克斯動畫工作室製作的美國 電腦動畫 電影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作發行的第五部長篇動畫電影。
Finding Nemo was released in 2003 by THQ. The goal in the game is to complete different levels under the roles of film protagonists Nemo, Marlin or Dory. It includes cutscenes from the movie and each clip is based on a level. For example, Marlin and Dory