雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月14日 · First is the unequivocally amazing Tokyo Love Story (1991), based on a popular manga by Saimon Fumi. Rika, the sassy protagonist, sets the stage for all other so-called “trendy” dramas to come with her independence and spunk.

  2. 2017年12月28日 · 5 Romance Anime Movies for Lovers. Honey's Anime Updated December 28, 2017. Anime Dating in Japan Otaku. www.amazon.co.jp. There’s hardly anything better than cuddling with the person you love while watching a lovely romantic story in your warm and cozy bed.

  3. 2017年10月16日 · How to Find Love in Japan. Thomas Shiozaki Updated October 16, 2017. Deeper Japan Dating in Japan FAQ. Japan is dealing with a low marriage rate and higher-than-average marriage age. Many are marrying in their early thirties now, which may increase to the late thirties in a few years.

  4. 2018年1月15日 · 20. Appreciate the beauty of art & nature at Garden Museum Hiei. Garden Museum Hiei is located at the top of Mount Hiei, which can be accessed via a ropeway from Hiei Station. This garden is an interesting one that replicates various famous artwork, such as “Sunflowers” by Van Gogh and “Water Lilies” by Monet.

  5. 2014年4月3日 · 1.简直就是全国上下一半的人都醉卧在樱花树下了。. 大约在开花前一个月开始,电视新闻开始播放 樱花开花预报 ,于是大家就可以开始计划“花见”派对了。. 我曾以为树上开花这种事无法预测,然而事实上可以,而且这对他们而言很重要。. “花见”派对是指 ...

  6. 東京每年有上百萬的觀光客,熱門季節像是櫻花季、楓葉季等等,房間總是很難訂到。你有考慮過東京的愛情旅館嗎?以下將介紹五家超高級的愛情旅館,擁有完整的設施和貼心的服務,完全顛覆一班對於愛情旅館的想像。而這些愛情旅館當然不限於情侶專用,部分也提供辦派對、出差洽公或家族 ...

  7. 2018年10月18日 · Here are some of the most remembered love songs from TV dramas and movies up to 2016. 5. Say Yes — Chage and Aska (1991) “Say Yes” is the duo’s 27th single that was used in the TV drama Hyakuikkaime no Puropozu (The 101st Proposal) starring Tetsuya Takeda and Atsuko Asano. Despite the lead vocal Aska’s recent scandal and drug arrest ...