雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 高速烹飪能夠節省時間、能源並保留更多營養。使用高速煲,您可以在幾分鐘內在高速和壓力下輕輕烹飪食物。部份 Fissler高速煲還具有無壓蒸煮階段。通過蒸煮,食物可以被細膩地烹調,保留幾乎所有的風味和營養價值。高速烹飪可以節省能源,烹飪時間更可 ...

  2. Pressure cooking gives you time, energy, and preserves vitamins. In a pressure cooker, you can prepare food gently under pressure in just a few minutes. Some Fissler pressure cookers also have a pressureless steam cooking stage. With steam cooking, food is cooked delicately, preserving almost all its flavor and nutriti.

  3. 憑着精湛的工藝及嚴格的質量管制,已成為世界數一數二的高級廚具品牌,於鍋具的品質、設計及工藝製造上保持領先的地位,深受廚師及烹飪愛好者的歡迎。. Fissler 高速煲的成功故事始於1953年,發明了多級安全閥,首次讓高速煲安全地供家庭使 用。. 這為 ...

  4. Pressure cooking gives you time, saves energy, and preserves the best of your ingredients. In pressure cooking, ingredients are cooked quickly and gently. Vitamins and flavor are largely preserved compared to conventional cooking. Pressure cooking is modern and fits ideally with a healthy lifestyle.

  5. 德國製造. 18/10 優質不鏽鋼. 六大安全裝置,安全耐用. 高速鍋10-12分鐘=普通煲1小時. 適合所有爐具使用,包括電磁爐. 普通煲1小時=高速10-12分鐘,大大縮短80%烹調時間,節能環保. 高速低温烹調,令食物的營養及維他命得以保存. 操作簡易,易於掌握. 每次烹調後,請把膠圏及各個閥門清洗乾淨及抹乾。 建議每季定期拆卸高速鍋的各個閥門徹底清洗。 每次清洗後的矽膠圏應平放吹乾,不要懸掛或扭曲存放矽膠圈,以免變形影響功能。 切勿強行排氣來降壓,容易令配件損耗。 請待高速鍋完全降壓後,方可開蓋。 如需快速降壓,可使用濕布擦拭鍋蓋。 若高速鍋久未上壓,請把鍋身輕輕搖晃,或開蓋把水珠抹走,並檢查膠圈及配件是否妥善安裝。

  6. The Fissler Vitaquick® Premium Pressure Cooker offers all the essentials you need to enter the world of fast and healthy cooking. Vitaquick® Premium makes safe and easy pressure cooking a breeze while saving time, energy and preserves flavors.

  7. Fissler Vitaquick® Premium高速鍋提供您進入快速健康烹飪世界所需的所有必需品。 Vitaquick® Premium 讓安全、輕鬆的高壓烹飪變得輕而易舉,同時節省時間、能源並保留風味。

  8. Description. Made in Germany. High quality 18/10 stainless steel. 6 safety system for silent and fumeless cooking. 10-12 mins pressure cooker = 1 hour normal pot. Suitable for all types of stoves, including induction. Product details. Capacity:2.5L/3.5L/4.5L/6L/8L/10L.

  9. Recommended by fitness enthusiast Joemary, By using the Fissler pressure cooker, not only can you save time, but also retain the nutritional value of the food. It's the ultimate choice for health-conscious!

  10. Vitavit® Premium Set of Pressure Skillet, 3.5 liters + Pressure Cooker 6.0 liters with Free Glass Lid

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