雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Prevention of Avian Influenza As a general precautionary measure, the public are advised to observe good personal, food and environmental hygiene at all times.

  2. 食物環境衞生署 - 主頁. 二零二四年滅鼠運動 (第二期) 歡迎點擊和觀看「食物業牌照申請DIY」教學,來了解有關申請食物業牌照的資訊。 由2023年3月1日起,放寬小食食肆售賣食物種類的限制. 餐飲外賣及配送服務實務指南. 編配位於屯門曾咀靈灰安置所的新可續期公眾骨灰龕位 食環署於每月首日上午九時至該月最後一日下午五時期間公開接受市民申請,直至另行通告。 預防禽流感 要預防感染禽流感,須經常保持個人、食物及環境衞生。 貯存及展售冰鮮肉/家禽0-4℃最安穩 冰鮮肉/家禽是指由屠宰、貯存、運送至出售的整個過程中,均以攝氏0至4度之間的溫度冷凍保存的肉/家禽...... 二零二四年滅鼠運動 (第二期) 最新消息. 23.7.2024. 誘蚊器指數最新情報 7/2024. 8.7.2024.

  3. 2024年7月17日 · The List of Licensed Food Premises that are Recognized by this Department for the Revised Inspection Regime after fully implemented the Food Safety System under ISO 22000 and obtained the ISO 22000 Certification.

  4. 食物環境衞生署(簡稱食環署,英語: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,縮寫:FEHD)是香港特別行政區政府 環境及生態局轄下的部門,專責確保香港的食物安全,為香港市民提供清潔及衛生的環境。

  5. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) was set up on January 1, 2000. The department is responsible for food safety control, import control on live food animals, management of food incidents as well as environmental hygiene services and facilities. The FEHD delivers its services through the Centre for Food Safety, Environmental ...

  6. 食物环境卫生署(简称食环署,英语: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,缩写:FEHD)是香港特别行政区政府 环境及生态局辖下的部门,专责确保香港的食物安全,为香港市民提供清洁及卫生的环境。

  7. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) was set up on January 1, 2000. The department is responsible for food safety control, import control on live food animals, management of food incidents as well as environmental hygiene services and facilities.

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