雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Frisk是你操纵的游戏角色,也就是主角,第八个掉到地底的人类。游戏开始的时候你不是取了一个名字吗?这个名字不是给 Frisk 取得,Frisk 至始至终名字都是 Frisk,而你是给 Chara 取的名字,所有称呼你取的那个名字的地方,实际上都在喊 Chara。

  2. 知乎 - 有问题,就会有答案

  3. The Vessel Theory: In the beginning of Deltarune, we are asked to create a vessel. We do so, give them personality, a name, and our own name, only to find that it is discarded. Instead, we must play as Kris, who acts almost as a complete foil to Frisk. For one thing, Kris has a very clear background as being adopted by the Dreemurrs, having a ...

  4. In ages past, our loyal denizens gathered within the sacred halls of Amino app, weaving tales and forging friendships amidst the tapestries of fandom. And yet the everweaving threads of fate once bound to the walls of the kingdom itself, snapping under the threats of an unknown threat, as the dark lords of the Amino app's halls closed off it's ...

  5. 友谊八连斩. 不得不说,个人认为Frisk和Chara还是有着某种联系的。. 至于这种联系,作者Toby Fox貌似把它刻意隐瞒了。. 以下全部都是个人想法且涉及剧透:. ———————. Chara是谁?. 如果你看过屠杀线结局,那就一定认识她。. 不过这里不多说Chara本身。. 在 ...

  6. 2018年11月19日 · However, Frisk wear purple and blue, the inverse of Chara's yellow and green; Chara was the first human to fall, Frisk was the last; what Chara wanted, Frisk delivered; Chara was the best friend Asriel had; Frisk is the friend he wished for. Chara had loved monsterkind, and Frisk set them free. Archived post.

  7. 可见,Frisk并非和OFF的Batter一样,完全是“玩家的傀儡”,而是 有自己的思想和行动的。. 2、Frisk本性可好可坏。. 上面你也可以看到了,Frisk有自己的行动和思想,还可以独立于玩家的行动而行动。. 因此,如果Frisk真的本性那么善良,那么杀死怪物的时候,Frisk ...

  8. 在游戏《Undertale》中,给主人公取名为"Frisk"并不会引发任何特殊的后果。. 实际上,游戏中的名字只是玩家为了方便而给角色取的代号,并不影响游戏剧情或与游戏中的其他人物产生任何特殊的互动。. 然而,需要注意的是,如果你在游玩《Undertale》的某个特定 ...

  9. 2024年4月8日 · Papyrus describes Frisk as shambling around from place to place and most of the time he sees Frisk move is Frisk moving without player input when walking through the puzzles. Shambling around is an unatural way of moving, indicating Frisk is being controlled by Chara and this cannot be due to the player due what I covered in the previous sentence.

  10. One had Jaundice. One IS Jaundice. Finally an accurate frisk. Clover: eats gunpowder. Kris: eats moss. The player is not canon in Undertale Yellow, so I see what you mean, but we likely control Frisk in Undertale, as hinted by Flowey after True Pacifist, so I feel like this is an uneven comparison.

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