雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Our intensive Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in International Business and Global Management (IBGM) fosters global perspectives, cultural sensitivity, social responsibility, and key competencies.

  2. 工商管理學學士(國際商業及環球管理)課程為學生提供獨特的全球多元化體驗機會,包括:海外交換生計劃、第二專業主修、領袖訓練營、亞太遊學團和國外實地考察等。. 另外,為鼓勵學生主動參與國際交流活動,本學院設有IBGM學生贊助計劃,資助學生參加 ...

  3. Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) [BBA(IBGM)] is an intensive, premier programme in international business and global management offered by the University of Hong Kong, featuring a unique curriculum

  4. Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) [BBA (IBGM)] is an intensive, premier programme in international business and global management offered by the University of Hong Kong, featuring a unique curriculum designed to evolve and reflect the ever-changing demands of a globalizing world.

  5. The Master of Global Management programme at the HKU Business School offers a comprehensive curriculum that incorporates individual, organisational and national knowledge pertinent to effective management of global issues.

  6. 工商管理学学士(国际商业及环球管理)课程是一个密集式的课程,旨在培养学生的国际视野、文化触觉、社会责任及其他相关的核心技能,让一批优秀的学生成为国际商业领袖。 学习安排. 除了修读本学院提供的国际商业及环球管理主修外,灵活的课程设计让学生可从60多个由本学院或其他学院提供的主修课程中选俢第二专业,进一步探索另一专业领域的知识和技能,并在交叉学科学习中成长为跨界商业人才。 丰富机会. 工商管理学学士(国际商业及环球管理)课程为学生提供独特的全球多元化体验机会,包括:海外交换生计划、第二专业主修、领袖训练营、亚太游学团和国外实地考察等。 另外,为鼓励学生主动参与国际交流活动,本学院设有IBGM学生赞助计划,资助学生参加国际会议、海外义工服务、海外实习计划、海外夏校和冬校及国际交流团等。 专业认可

  7. Earn a global outlook in Business and Engineering. Jointly offered by the Faculty of Engineering and the HKU Business School, this interdisciplinary double degree programme will equip you with professional knowledge in both engineering and business within a global context.

  8. masters.hkubs.hku.hk › masterofglobalmanagement › curriculumHKU Business School

    HKU Business School. Curriculum Structure. The HKU Master of Global Management is built on three groups of modules that incorporate individual, organizational and national knowledge pertinent to effective management of global issues. The courses will be delivered by faculty members from HKU and other top overseas universities as well as highly ...

  9. The Faculty of Engineering and the HKU Business School jointly offer a Global Engineering and Business Programme (JS6937). Students can receive two degrees, namely Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Business Administration after the completion of

  10. Learn business in a global financial centre. The BBA programme combines functional training with communication skills, computer analytics, and other sciences or social sciences subjects. Dual degree options. Spend two years of your studies at Sciences Po in France or UBC in Canada. Live and learn in Hong Kong.