雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 鄧麗君 (Teresa Teng) 演唱的歌曲"春風吻上我的臉",有多人傳唱,改編成簡譜.適合給習慣看簡譜或有和弦需求的朋友.琴譜共3頁.這份樂譜提供的試聽音樂是由電腦軟體產生.自行演奏時宜多加入感情,以增加音樂性. This uploader pichia of this sheet music has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to ask him to make a score for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

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  3. Sheet MV. 此曲是世界當紅手機電玩-Pokemon Go(中文翻譯神奇寶貝和寶可夢)當中的地圖主題曲,本來是電音版本,本人改編成雙鋼琴版本,除了忠實呈現原曲的風格,也把此曲所帶來的輕鬆氣派徹底表露無遺。 為了讓大家有耳目一新感,本人在此曲中途改成小調演奏,讓此曲的多樣變化性能比原曲豐富些,但後半段恢復成原曲大調風格,以保持原曲的風貌。 Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet? Sheet music download and open instruction ©Sheet music copyright claim and abuse. Score quality not satisfactory?

  4. Full sheet music contains 5 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. SPECIAL OFFER and DISCOUNT! Sheet items in cart Up to 2, POINTS 5% OFF. Up to 3, POINTS 10% OFF. Up to 5, 20% OFF. Up to 10, 25% OFF. Up to 20, 30% OFF! Add to Cart.

  5. 整體曲速普通, 右手有一些技巧, 三連音、需要跳躍過去的地方, 還有琶音, 左手則是有較多八度及跑動的位置, 三連音對不到拍可以多聽影片抓感覺, 或是以上有彈不起來的, 也可以自行修改符合自己程度的彈法, 這份譜算是很有挑戰性的~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持!

  6. 2009年6月17日 · Full sheet music contains 2 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. dandylin. Profile. Sheet. Sheet Uploader. Uploaded at:. 2009-06-17. Tags:.

  7. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the ...

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