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  1. Play Games Services. Help acquire, engage, and retain players with premium features like automatic sign-in, leaderboards, achievements and friends. Go to Play Console.

  2. Play 游戏服务 | Google Play 管理中心. 利用自动登录、排行榜、成就和好友等高级功能,赢得玩家、促进互动并留住玩家. 前往 Play 管理中心. 利用顺畅的登录体验吸引用户. 借助我们的专属游戏身份,实现顺畅的登录体验. 让玩家能接着先前的进度继续玩. 利用 Play...

  3. Manage your games. Easily update your game metadata. Simplify your game testing and player account management with the Google Play games services Management API. Learn about the...

  4. 2024年1月3日 · Google Play Games Services provides popular gaming features for Android, ChromeOS, and Windows games. With Google Play Games Services, you can add social features to your game, view gameplay stats, and provide cross-platform gameplay across multiple devices.

  5. 啟用以私隱為本的 新一代 ID ,為所有 Google 帳戶 (包括受監管帳戶) 提供更佳的「Play Games 服務」相關支援. 使用者登入 「Play 遊戲服務」,以便在 Android 遊戲中無需點擊就可享個人化體驗,亦避免使用者準備好玩遊戲之際需先進行煩擾的新手入門流程. 儲存 ...

  6. 使用 Google Play 游戏服务 Management API 可以简化游戏测试和玩家帐号管理流程。 了解 Management API. 让游戏开发和分发工作实现自动化. 使用 Google Play 游戏服务 Publishing API 修改商品详情以及上传成就和排行榜的图标。 了解 Publishing API. 为您的移动游戏和网页游戏寻找、留住和匹配玩家。

  7. Games dev center. Guides. Set up Google Play Games Services. This page describes how to set up Google Play Games Services for your Android game using Google Play Console. The Play Console provides a centralized place for you to manage game services and configure the metadata used to authorize and authenticate your game.

  8. 2024年1月3日 · Here are the basic steps to set up Play Games Services for a game and add features: Set up Play Games Services. Set up your game project and integrate the Sign-in service. Set up and add features to your game project. Test and Publish any changes you make to your Play Games Services features. Before you start.

  9. Manage your games. Easily update your game metadata. Simplify your game testing and player account management with the Google Play games services Management API. Learn about the Management API. Automate your game production and distribution tasks.

  10. 2024年1月11日 · This document covers how to use the Google Play Console to set up Google Play games services for your Android game. The Google Play Console provides a centralized place for you to...