雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 至高のくつろぎ。. 川のせせらぎ、草花の芽吹き。. 大自然の息づかいを感じる美しき北海道の温泉郷、定山渓。. 凛とした空気に包まれたこの場所に、最上の安らぎがあります。. 大人の休日を彩るのは、. 見事な眺望の広やかな温泉と、北海道の四季を ...

  2. Jozankei, a beautiful hot spring village in Hokkaido where you can feel nature's breath. Find peace of mind like no other in this space enveloped by a dignified air. Topping a holiday for adults, spacious hot springs with a magnificent view and cuisine that relishes the four seasons of Hokkaido.

  3. 可在酒店中盡享旅行之趣的Grand Blissen酒店定山溪。. 穿過紫陽花和花楸樹點綴的林間通道,故事隨之展開。. 這裡的代表樹種明月楓會迎接大家的到來。. 館內有圖書室、茶室、咖啡館、酒吧、美容沙龍等,可以增進住宿期間的樂趣。. 祝您度過一段悅享舒適的 ...

  4. Grand Blissen Hotel Jozankei 距離定山溪車庫前巴士站步行 2 分鐘提供附平面電視的客房。 館內設有大眾溫泉浴池,可讓住客充分放鬆。 大廳和客房皆提供免費 WiFi。

  5. GRAND BLISSEN HOTEL JOZANKEI. Immerse yourself in supreme relaxation and fine cuisine. The murmur of the stream, the budding grass and flowers. In Jozankei, a beautiful onsen village in Hokkaido, you can feel the breath of Mother Nature. The crisp air wraps the land in a sense of serenity like no other.

  6. A 2-minute walk from Jozankei Shako-mae bus stop, Grand Blissen Hotel Jozankei offers rooms with a flat-screen TV. Guests can relax in public hot-spring bath. Free WiFi is available at the lobby and guest rooms. Rooms include a fridge and an electric kettle.

  7. A 2-minute walk from Jozankei Shako-mae bus stop, Grand Blissen Hotel Jozankei offers rooms with a flat-screen TV. Guests can relax in public hot-spring bath. Free WiFi is available at the lobby and guest rooms. Rooms include a fridge and an electric kettle.

  8. GRAND BLISSEN HOTEL定山溪. 沈浸於溫暖當中邂逅美食。. 享受至高無上的愜意時光。. 潺潺流水、花草萌芽。. 可以感受到北海道大自然氣息的美麗溫泉鄉——定山溪。. 在這片寧靜的大地上,為旅客提供最舒適怡人的空間。. 為大人的假期妝點繽紛色彩的是,. 可賞 ...

  9. Tripadvisor - Grand Blissen Hotel Jozankei(札幌)。瀏覽Grand Blissen Hotel Jozankei中 16名旅客的評論196張遊照以及訂房優惠並在滿分5分的旅客評分中獲得3

  10. 定山溪幸福大酒店 (Grand Blissen Hotel Jozankei) 札幌南区Jozenkeionsen Higashi 4-chome 328 显示地图. 开业:2021 坐落于定山溪温泉村的定山溪幸福大酒店,会让您在札幌拥有别样的体验,开展一段难忘的旅行。 旅客们会发现Kappa Daiō statue、定山溪二见公园和Futamitsuribashi距离酒店都不远。 酒店占尽地理之宜,Jozankei Dam Downstream Garden、定山溪水库和定山渓ダム下流園地离此都很近。 查看更多. 选择房间. 查看所有191张照片. 暂无图片. 4.5 分 不错. 显示所有45条点评. 房间不错、 体验很棒.