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  1. 国泰君安证券官方网站 | Guotai Junan Securities. 最新动态. 国泰君安助力环保助剂领军企业键邦股份成功登陆上交所主板. 2024-07-09. 7月5日,由国泰君安保荐的山东键邦新材料股份有限公司成功登陆上海证券交易所主板。 本次首发上市,键邦股份公开发行A股股票4,000万股,发行价18.65元/股,募集资金总额7.46亿元。 了解更多. 国泰君安与工商银行全面深化战略合作. 2024-07-05. 7月4日,国泰君安与工商银行举行全面战略合作签约仪式。 工商银行党委副书记、行长刘珺,国泰君安党委书记、董事长朱健出席签约仪式;工商银行副行长段红涛,国泰君安总裁李俊杰代表双方签署战略合作协议。 了解更多. 国泰君安与建设银行全面深化战略合作. 2024-07-02.

  2. Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited is licensed to carry on Type 1 (dealing in securities), Type 2 (dealing in futures) and Type 4 (advising on securities) regulated activities with Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong (CE No.: ABY236) and an

  3. Via our wholly-owned subsidiaries Guotai Junan Innovation Investment and Guotai Junan Zhengyu Investment, we conduct privately offered fund equity investment and alternative investment respectively.

  4. 2021年6月7日 · 優質國際評級,強大股東背景. 以穩健的風險管理為發展基石,現國際信貸評級處於同業領先,標普授予「BBB+」,穆迪授予「Baa2」長期發行人評級,展望均為「穩定」。. 控股股東國泰君安證券為中國證券行業長期、持續、全面領先的綜合金融服務商,擁有雄厚 ...

  5. Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd (abbreviated to Guotai Junan or the Group) is one of the most time-honored, the most complete licenses and largest comprehensive securities in China, founded on August 18th, 1999 through the merger, capital and share

  6. Guotai Junan Securities is a partially state-owned enterprise, headquartered in Shanghai. The company's international business is managed through its Hong Kong subsidiary, Guotai Junan International. The parent company includes the following subsidiaries:

  7. GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES (HONG KONG) LIMITED 國泰君安證券(香港)有限公司 27 th Floor, Low Block, Grand Millennium Plaza, 181 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong. 香港中環皇后大道中181號新紀元廣場低座 27樓 Website 網址: www.gtja.com.hk

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