雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We provide the latest TT and currency notes exchange rates, e.g. for CNY, USD, GBP, AUD, CAD and THB. Use our currency calculator converter for exchange rate conversion Logon

  2. 恒生銀行提供最新外幣電匯及現鈔兌換價, 包括人民幣、美元﹑英鎊﹑澳元﹑加元﹑泰銖等外幣匯率價格,並有外幣兌換計算機助你輕鬆獲取匯率換算結果。.

  3. 透過電匯兌換價一覽表查閱最新電匯價,亦提供外幣匯率走勢圖助你了解外幣匯率走勢,涵蓋多款外幣包括人民幣﹑歐羅、日圓等。.

  4. 恒生外匯服務提供網上一站式外幣兌換服務,讓你隨時隨地兌換外幣和掌握最新的外匯市場動態,滿足你的外匯需要。 查看外幣兌換價. 主要特點. 24/7網上外幣兌換服務. 外匯限價指示及到價提示服務. 外幣提款機服務. 外匯市場動態. 你有甚麼外匯需要? 出外旅行. 海外升學 / 移民. 尋找外匯良機和穩定利息回報. 24/7網上外幣兌換服務: 任何時刻都可以輕鬆買賣外幣. 隨時經個人e-Banking及Mobile App兌換外幣. [1] 涵蓋11種外幣. [2] 立即兌換. 外匯限價指示及到價提示服務: 無需時刻捕捉匯價走勢,輕易鎖定心水價位. 只要預先設定目標匯率,我們便會在到價時通知你並自動兌換外幣. 涵蓋多達10種貨幣. [3] 立即體驗. 觀看外匯限價指示示範.

  5. Check out the FX TT exchange rates table listing the latest TT exchange rates, as well as foreign currency charts showing the current trend of different currencies, e.g. Renminbi, Euro, Yen, etc.

  6. Check the latest foreign exchange rates for various currencies and enjoy online FX trading services with Hang Seng Bank.

  7. Explore Hang Seng's online one-stop foreign exchange services tailored to your FX needs, from exchanging foreign currencies anytime with ease to seizing the latest FX market trends. Exchange now. Check foreign exchange rates. Key features. 24/7 online foreign exchange service. FX Order watch and Rate Alert service. FX ATM service.