雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 超實用【結婚祝福用語】大全 (中英對照) 又到了結婚旺季,最近收到好多朋友結婚的邀請,而公司亦有好幾個同事剛宣佈結婚,回Whatsapp或寫卡時都要送上衷心祝福一對新人的結婚祝福語,除了寫“Congratulations!”. 和“我真係恭喜你呀!. ”之外還可以寫什麼 ...

  2. 出席婚禮前,為咗祝福新人,點都要做下功課學定幾句結婚祝福語啦! 學完之後,唔單可以將自己最真摯嘅祝福寫喺人情利是封上面,參加新人婚禮果陣都可以大派用場添! 今日小編就準備咗一系列經典嘅結婚祝福語同結婚賀詞,等大家參加婚禮時除咗講「恭喜曬」之外,都可以用到唔同嘅結婚賀詞! 一、訂婚賀詞. 正式擺酒之前,唔少新人都會訂咗婚先。 而呢個時候,無論係封利是定係親口祝福新人,都可以用到以下嘅結婚祝福語! 圖片來自 Artfia. 二、婚嫁賀詞. 無論係四字成語又好、短句組合都好,喺新人嘅婚禮當日,都可以用到以下嘅結婚祝福語! 成語類: 短句組合: 圖片來自 videoticz fiji. 三、嫁女祝福語. 如果想特別祝福女家嫁女嘅話,就可以用到以下結婚賀詞。 圖片來自 nownews.

  3. 2022年7月22日 · Best wishes from one of your old friends on your wedding day. 在你們的大婚之日,請接受這份來自老朋友的真摯祝福。 We hope that this wedding is the start of your joyful life together.

  4. 1. happy wedding! 新婚快樂2. as you start your married life together hand in hand, may all the things you're hoping for turn out the way you've planned. 當你開始你的婚後生活後,祝願你們夢想成真,幸福美滿。

  5. 2021年6月23日 · So, these are the best 125+ wedding wishes to consider when giving a wedding day speech at your best friend’s wedding or writing a card to her/him. Remember that happily married life wishes do not have to be over-complicated; they must come from the heart, and sometimes the shortest ones are the most felt.

  6. If there's a wedding on the horizon and you want to offer your best wishes to the happy couple with a congratulations message, we're here to help you find the right words for the perfect wedding wishes to write in a wedding card.

  7. 2022年2月7日 · 48、Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day. 正值閣下新婚之禧,恭賀幸福無量。 49、I wish you much happiness together. 願你倆婚姻幸福美滿。 50、Wishing you a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime. 願你有一個美妙的開始,相愛

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