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  1. Hard Times: For These Times (commonly known as Hard Times) is the tenth novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1854. The book surveys English society and satirises the social and economic conditions of the era.

    • Charles Dickens
    • 1854
  2. Hard Times is a novel written by Charles Dickens, first published in 1854. Set in the fictional industrial town of Coketown during the mid-19th century, the novel explores the social and economic challenges faced by the working class during the Industrial Revolution.

  3. Hard Times, novel by Charles Dickens, published in serial form (as Hard Times: For These Times) in the periodical Household Words from April to August 1854 and in book form later the same year. The novel is a bitter indictment of industrialization, with its dehumanizing effects on workers and communities in mid-19th-century England.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. 艱難時世 ( Hard Times )是英國作家 狄更斯 的长篇小说作品,發表於1854年,故事描寫某工業市鎮的生活。 情節. 紡織廠廠主、銀行家龐得貝(Josiah Bounderby)和退休的五金批發商人、國會議員兼教育家湯瑪斯·葛萊恩(Thomas Gradgrind)是好朋友,他們一起控制著市鎮的經濟體係與教育機構。 他們注重實利而且不講情義,自命不凡,以功利主義作為生活原則。 負責侍候龐得貝的是寡婦史巴斯特太太。

  5. 艰难时世》(Hard Times)是英国作家 查尔斯·狄更斯 创作的一部长篇小说,发表于1854年。 [1] 《艰难时世》以工业小镇焦煤镇为故事发生地,展现了 工业革命 及机器生产的时代背景下小镇人所经历的 “艰难” :小镇教育家托马斯·葛擂更的女儿露意莎嫁给了自私冷漠的庞德贝,成为不幸婚姻的牺牲品;儿子汤姆沉迷赌博,最终沦为盗窃犯;工人史蒂芬遭到剥削和陷害,被迫远走他乡,却不幸身亡。 [2]小说有两条平行的情节线索:第一条表现 资产阶级 内部的矛盾,第二条表现资产阶级与 工人阶级 之间的矛盾。 在小说中,作者将讽刺锋芒对准资产阶级代表人物葛擂更和庞德贝,通过葛擂更的家庭生活与社会活动的展现,以及关于庞德贝和工人之间的矛盾的描写,深刻地揭露了资产阶级功利主义哲学的反动实质和它的危害性。

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  7. 2021年9月25日 · Hard Times was Dickens’s tenth novel. It first appeared in Dickens’s weekly periodical, Household Words. It was published in installments that began in April of 1854 and ran through August of that year. Hard Times is unlike the rest of his novels in several ways.

  8. Hard Times – For These Times (commonly known as Hard Times) is the tenth novel by Charles Dickens, first published in 1854. The book surveys English society and satirists the social and economic conditions of the era.

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