Tokyu Stay are hotels located in the heart of Tokyo and expanding throughout the nation. Each room is equipped with a washer-dryer and kitchenette, making them ideal for medium- and long-term stays. Same-day reservations and a close proximity to stations makes these hotels perfect for business, sightseeing, leisure, and more.
You can see, touch, and savor the things of Hidatakayama. Travelers and residents of Takayama get together, and diffuse new cultures there. Tokyu Stay Hida-Takayama Musubi no Yu is a hotel that makes guests think that staying there is a little special and feel like bringing home some travel episodes.
匯集了飛驒高山精選的伴手禮店。 除了甜點、飲料、調味料等食品外,還銷售現代化的傳統工藝品。 2樓 庭院式溫泉大湯屋. 設有男女交替使用兩個湯屋,散發著木質香調的「檜之湯」和漆黑的湯池中冒出蒸氣的「葫蘆湯」,可享受早晚不同的泡湯情趣。 [泡湯時間] 15:00-24:00 / 6:00-11:00. (男湯女湯輪換制) 2樓 餐廳. 盡情享受高山美食的日式西式餐廳.
ACCESS. Located an 8-minute walk from the east exit of JR Shinjuku Station. Located a 1-minute walk from exit C3 of Shinjuku Sanchome Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, and Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line. Tokyu Stay Shinjuku good access to central area.
Tokyu Stay Sapporo Odori for your stay in Sapporo. Guest rooms have a washer and dryer and a kitchenette. Wi-Fi is available in all rooms. It is a business hotel with just a 3 minute walk from Odori Station, and can be used for long-term stay as well.
飯店設施介紹. 設施・服務的介紹. 位於與時俱進的高輪區域,「BUMBLEBEE」咖啡廳旨在成為一個溫馨的聚集地,讓每一位蒞臨的客人都能在這裡找到歸屬感,交流互動,共同留下美好的回憶。 我們衷心希望每位入住的客人能夠賓至如歸,自在放鬆地在咖啡廳度過悠閒時光。 座位. 42個. 時間. 午餐. 上午11點半至下午2點. 下午茶時間. 下午2點至5點.
To ensure our guests enjoy a comfortable and safe stay, Tokyu Stay offers a variety of services 24 hours a day such as equipment rental and sales, luggage storage, and more.