雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. In every city, there are roads wherever there are people. Be it for working hard to earn a living, for taking care of our family, or for pursuing our dreams, every step in our life counts. The Highways Departments strives to keep every road unobstructed, paving the

  2. 成就生活每一步 每個城市,有人的地方就有道路。看似理所當然,背後其實是許多人默默耕耘的成果。不論是為口奔馳,為照顧家人,或是為建構夢想,你我生活中的每一步,同樣舉足輕重。路政署致力令每一條道路暢通無阻,成就生活每一步。

  3. Highways Department - 道路及鐵路. 主頁. 道路及鐵路. 香港擁有覆蓋面廣、使用率高的 道路網絡 ,加上完善的 鐵路網絡 作為公共運輸系統的骨幹,提供便捷的途徑便利客貨流通路政署負責推展 運輸基建項目 ,並檢討香港的鐵路發展策略以及監督新 鐵路項目 的落實,以滿足交通運輸與城市發展的需要。 Banner.

  4. The Highways Department is responsible for the implementation of transport infrastructure projects, as well as reviewing Hong Kong's Railway Development Strategy and overseeing the implementation of new railway projects, to meet the growth and change in transport needs, as well as development requirements. Banner.

  5. About Us. Welcome Message. Organisation. Vision and Mission. Management Policy. Performance Pledge. Core Business. Recognition and Awards. Consolidated Annual Open Data Plans.

  6. The Highways Department which evolved from the Highways Office of the former Engineering Development Department was established on 1 June 1986. It is responsible for planning, design, construction and maintenance of the public road system.

  7. 實時道路交通資訊. 你可在此瀏覽最新的交通情況和特別交通消息,包括香港、九龍及新界南各主要幹道和道路的行車速度,由運輸署閉路電視系統 / 交通探測器提供的「交通情況快拍」,以及來往香港和九龍之間的過海行車時間。.

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