雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The ultimate holiday tradition returns with Septime Webre’s timeless classic The Nutcracker, filled with Tchaikovsky’s world-famous score, opulent sets and costumes and beloved Hong Kong elements that enchant audiences year after year.

  2. 2023年12月30日 · For the first time ever, Hong Kong Ballet will bring its unique production of The Nutcracker out of the theatre and into the heart of the community. In collaboration with brand new shopping mall The Wai, we proudly present The Nutcracker Land from 15 November until the end of December.

  3. 2022年12月31日 · A Hong Kong Adventure. ‘Tis the season of whirling white snowflakes, visions of dancing sugar plums, waltzing bauhinia flowers and endless glittering tutus!

  4. 故事以20世紀初的香港為背景,隨着嘉麗的聖誕禮物胡桃夾子的甦醒,展開一次奇幻冒險。 這一場懷舊盛宴,在柴可夫斯基 標誌性的樂曲和季列索娃奢華細緻的服裝和佈景下, 融合 本地歷史人物、野生動植物及傳統,實在 耳目一新。 令人眩目的洋 紫荊華爾茲 、 異想天開的點心 媽媽和她的點心小丑們,又或是熱鬧的長洲搶包山,通通不能錯過! 專為我城打造的全新 節日 經典,這老少咸宜的 《胡桃夾子》 絡繹不絕地 展示 出 香港的多 姿多采,適合所有觀眾。 節目詳情: https://bit.ly/3mKcpsh. 藝術家: 葉詠詩. (桂冠音樂總監) 葉詠媛. (候任副指揮)

  5. 2022年12月16日 · The Nutcracker, created by Septime Webre and his team, incorporates Hong Kong history and customs to the ballet classic and pays tribute to local culture, showcasing the former Kowloon-Canton...

  6. The ultimate holiday tradition returns with Septime Webre’s timeless classic The Nutcracker, filled with Tchaikovsky’s world-famous score, opulent sets and costumes and beloved Hong Kong elements that enchant audiences year after year.

  7. 2023年12月15日 · This December, Septime Webre's heartwarming The Nutcracker returns to bring festive cheer in a wondrous celebration of early 20th century Hong Kong's history, characters and natural beauty. This much-anticipated annual extravaganza begins at a lively Christmas Eve party in a gilded mansion where young Clara receives a very unique ...

  8. 2021年12月19日 · 香港芭蕾舞團呈獻一年一度聖誕劇目《The Nutcracker 胡桃夾子》|為經典劇目中注入香港元素. 糅合華麗壯觀的場面、美妙絕倫的舞蹈、還有音樂賦予的感染力,由俄國偉大作曲家柴可夫斯基編寫的芭蕾舞劇《The Nutcracker》 ( 胡桃夾子 ) 是家傳戶曉的經典故事;而香港芭蕾舞團每年都會在聖誕時節將這部巨作帶到舞台。 今年他們更跳出框架,為此經典劇目注入香港元素,在原有的熟悉感之上增添一份新鮮親切。 by Heidi Leung. 19 Dec 2021. REIMAGINED FANTASY.

  9. Henderson Land Proudly PresentsThe Nutcracker. Glamour and Magic: Celebrating 45 Incredible Years of Artistic Excellence. 13-15, 17-22, 24-26 DEC 2024With Live Accompaniment27-29 DEC 2024 With Recorded Music.

  10. The ultimate holiday tradition returns with Septime Webre’s timeless classic The Nutcracker, filled with Tchaikovsky’s world-famous score, opulent sets and costumes and beloved Hong Kong elements that enchant audiences year after year.

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