如欲查詢計劃詳情,請致電3586 0254、電郵至schoolscheme@lcsd.gov.hk或參閱本計劃之網頁。 香港大會堂 2024年9月9日 「每月節目表」已全面革新為網上版 更環保、更快捷、更方便 每月節目表經已全面革新為網上列表版本,請按此處瀏覽最新節目資訊。
Where is Hong Kong City Hall located?
When was Hong Kong City Hall built?
Is Hong Kong City Hall a monument?
Why is Hong Kong City Hall important?
When did the Hong Kong Museum of history move out of City Hall?
What building houses the Hong Kong legislature?
Hong Kong City Hall is situated at 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong. Patrons can reach the City Hall by the following public transport services:
Ticket holders are advised to keep their original intact tickets (with stubs) for refunds, and check the latest announcements at www.lcsd.gov.hk/CP. Details Enquiry: 2268 7321
Hong Kong City Hall (Chinese: 香港大會堂) is a building located at Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. In the 19th century, the British founded City of Victoria in the present-day Central after the establishment of the Crown Colony of Hong Kong.
香港大會堂(英語: Hong Kong City Hall )是香港第一座公共文娛中心,位於香港島 中西區 中環 愛丁堡廣場5號,於1962年3月2日落成開幕,在2009年被列為香港一級歷史建築,2022年被列為香港法定古蹟,現由康樂及文化事務署管理。
Hong Kong City Hall, opened in 1962, is the first multi-purpose cultural complex ever built for the community of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of 11,000 square meters on the reclaimed seafront of Central Edinburgh Place, City Hall was designated as a Grade 1 Historic Building in 2009.
hk city hall address 相關
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