雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. hk radio channel frequency 相關

  2. Electronics developer. Fault Injection HIL Systems

  3. 位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.


  1. 其他人也問了

  2. RTHK Radio 5 is also available locally at 92.3 MHz (FM, 25 W ERP, Tin Shui Wai) , 95.2 MHz (FM, 20 W ERP, Mt. Nicholson) , 99.4 MHz (FM, 15 W ERP, Tseung Kwan O) and 97.3 MHz (FM, 30 W ERP, Castle Peak).

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  3. 香 港 模 擬 聲 音 廣 播 服 務 頻 率 表. 註 一. : 香港電台第一台其他區域性發射頻率:93.6MHz (調頻,50W有效輻射功率,元朗374山)。 香港電台第二台其他區域性發射頻率:95.6MHz (調頻,50W有效輻射功率,元朗374山)。 香港電台第三台其他區域性發射頻率:97.9MHz (調頻,20W有效輻射功率,聶高信山)、93.1MHz (調頻,150W有效輻射功率,舂坎角)、 107.8MHz (調頻,15W有效輻射功率,將軍澳;調頻,25W有效輻射功率,天水圍) 及 1584kHz (調幅,100W有效輻射功率,舂坎角)。 香港電台第四台其他區域性發射頻率:98.2MHz (調頻,50W有效輻射功率,元朗374山)。

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  4. This handbook contains the table of frequency allocations in accordance with the Region 3 allocations under the Radio Regulations which are applicable to Hong Kong, the allocations which have been adopted by Hong Kong, as well as the band plans in use in

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  5. Radio stations in Hong Kong. 點擊在線收聽的電台名稱 / Click on the radio station name to listen online. 調頻,兆赫. 廣播電台 / Station. 發射塔 / Transmitter. 87.5. 环保经济广播. 珠海 石景山電視發射塔 / Zhuhai, Shijingshan TV Tower. 87.8.

    廣播電台 / Station
    發射塔 / Transmitter
    珠海 石景山電視發射塔 / Zhuhai, Shijingshan TV ...
    深圳 梧桐山 / Shenzhen, Wutong ...
    歌賦山 / Mount Gough
    金山 / Golden Hill
  6. This is a list of radio stations in Hong Kong. Terrestrial radio stations. As of September 2017, there are three licensed broadcasters of terrestrial radio in Hong Kong, broadcasting on both MW (AM) and FM bands. An underground radio station "Citizens' Radio" also broadcasts on FM without a licence. Government radio-television station:

  7. Digital Radio Frequencies in Hong Kong (DAB) Transmissions on DAB Channel 11C (centre frequency 220.352 MHz) were transmitted on a single frequency network using the European Eureka-147 DAB+ standard from the following transmission sites: Lamma Island, Kowloon Peak, Cloudy Hill, Mount Gough, Castle Peak, Beacon Hill, Golden Hill.

  8. 當局在進行專業技術研究後,決定讓境內電台通過位於七個不同高山的主發射站發射信號,以求最有效地覆蓋全港。. 該七個發射站以不同的頻率廣播,以確保不同發射站的訊號不會出現相消干擾而降低市民接收廣播的質素。. 惟香港電台轉播 中央廣播電視總 ...