雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. Interview on either one of the two questions from the Test Paper. The essay writing is intended primarily as a test of the candidate's knowledge and experience in construction practice and management as well as the broader issues of the

  2. HKICM interview. 即將進行面試請教一下有經驗人士心得經驗供參考、謝謝大家。. 識人就攪掂。. 識人就攪掂。. 點樣識人就攪點、請問要識邊個?. 點樣識人就攪點、請問要識邊個?. 你識人係營造師member,熟d 高層,單幾句聲,好過你例等我4。. 同埋講到專業 ...

  3. 小弟,將進行HKICM interview想請教各位師兄BD及安全部份大約會問什麼問題? 救指點 🙇‍♂️ 🙇‍♂️ 🙇‍♂️ 大路問題,主要傾計,有fd早兩年問十題中三四題都一樣Pass。

  4. 2018年2月11日 · 有冇人準備緊考牌呢. Builder可以考CIOB HKIE Building Division. 有冇人準備緊考牌呢. when u grad? HKICM 好似好少人考 同埋其實HKICM 好似冇咩用 始終都係CIOB 多人有 出到去英國 歐洲 甚至大陸都有人認可 講開又講 巴打有HKICM? 巴打你考CIOB 果時有冇interview? 傳聞好似submit ...

  5. HKICM PA Guidance Notes for Candidates - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides guidance for candidates on applying for professional assessment to become a corporate member of the Hong Kong

  6. All candidates for Member Class of Membership are required to attend a Professional Interview. The acceptance and rejection of membership application is subject to the discretion of the Board of Examination and the approval of the General Council.

  7. Hkicm 去scope 有個新course - professional certificate in construction management . 讀半年, 滿足normal route 1 entry , 可以不用interview . 入左會2年先可以轉營造師.

  1. 相關搜尋
