雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Please note that the Institute's membership card with smart card functions now replaces printed tickets for all CPD events. Members can use their membership card for admission in CPD programmes and record their CPD attendance via the computerized

  2. Continuing professional development programmes. CPD highlights for PIE auditors Training by competencies Face-to-Face Events e-Learning Course Collaboration with Other Organizations Training and Development.

  3. Members can use their membership card, affinity credit card or HKICPA Event App for admission to the Institute's CPD events. After you enroll and check in, details of the CPD event and your CPD attendance record will be automatically updated and displayed in

  4. The Hong Kong Companies Judge speaks on current and emerging developments in cross-border insolvency and restructuring from the court’s perspective. Choreography Dance Class. Specialist Programmes in Taxation - Advanced Hong Kong Tax Course 2024 (Full Course) Singer Stage Performance Training Class - C. Swimming Class.

  5. mas.hkicpa.org.hk › mycpa › publicEvent Detail - MyCPA

    Event code. EWEB24011801. Language. Cantonese with English terminology. Event name. Live webinar: Year-end Financial Reporting Reminders for 2023. CPD hours. 2.00. Competency.

  6. 2024年5月2日 · - Access your e-membership card, CPD hours summary and event attendance record at a glance - Explore events crafted to your taste and sync to your calendar in one click. - Search an event...

  7. Event code COUR23042901 Language Cantonese with English terminology Event name FCP 2023 - Financial Controllership Programme Enrolment restrictions This programme is open for member and non-member. CPD hours 56.00 Competency

  8. 教學/報名中心地點. 金鐘教學中心. 設有報名服務. 香港金鐘夏慤道18號海富中心2樓及3樓 (金鐘港鐵站A出口,經海富中心商場行人電梯上) 3761 1111. 2559 4666. 周一至五 - 8:30am - 7:30pm, 周六 - 9:00am - 5:00pm. 教學/報名中心. 統一教學中心 港大保良何鴻燊社區書院 北角城教學中心 港島東分校 港島南分校 九龍東分校 九龍西分校 CITA教學中心. 香港金鐘道95號統一中心6樓 (金鐘港鐵站D出口) 2910 7600. 2520 6312. - 港大保良何鴻燊社區書院. 設有報名服務. 香港銅鑼灣禮頓道66號. 3762 0100. 3923 7188. 周一至五 - 9:00am - 5:30pm, 周六 - 休息.

  9. ebooks.hkicpa.org.hk › catalog › showHKICPA

    Explore a comprehensive catalog of ebooks from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, covering accounting principles and practices.

  10. 2024年6月12日 · 1. 中西區. 英皇書院(男校) 學校類別:官立. 申請日期:9-10/7(表格可於 6月底起於校網下載) 面試日期:9-11/7(只限部分被挑選之申請者) 網址: https://www.kings.edu.hk/admission. 聖若瑟書院(男校) 學校類別:資助. 申請日期:10/7,09:00-12:00(表格可於校網下載) 筆試日期:12/7. 網址: https://www.sjc.edu.hk/admission.php. 聖保羅書院(男校) 學校類別:直資. 申請日期:9-10/7(7月初於校網公布申請詳情) 收生準則:參考申請人的學業成績、課外活動表現及品行等資料,邀請合適申請人進行面試. 23學年中一學費:$41,400.

  11. Payment & Enrolment Status Enquiry: 2287 7381 e-mail: finance@hkicpa.org.hk Fax : 2893 9853 Course Information Enquiry : 2287 7249 e-mail: online@hkicpa.org.hk HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CONTINUING

  12. mas.hkicpa.org.hk › mycpa › publicEvent Detail - MyCPA

    This course operates under a new Learning management system (LMS) that is designed to enhance your learning experience. To gain access to LMS, please register for an LMS account. Within a day, you will receive an e-mail from LMS containing your login ID and a one-time password for activation.

  13. Please note that the Institute's membership card with smart card functions now replaces printed tickets for all CPD events. Members can use their membership card for admission in CPD programmes and record their CPD attendance via the computerized

  14. Brand-new, personalized event browsing experience. Explore events crafted to your taste and sync to your calendar in one click. Search an event by name, category, speaker, delivery language, eligibility, CPD hours, etc. •.

  15. As the Institute’s flagship annual event, the annual dinner is a great networking opportunity between members and stakeholders. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, Annual Dinner 2020 is cancelled and a virtual celebration video is specially prepared for our members to conclude this remarkable year.

  16. 創校歷史. 2000 年創立,辦學團體:香港管理專業協會. 校訓:追求卓越 In Search of Excellence。 學校校徽 。 教學情況. 教學人員總數 74 人;中一有 4 班。 全校教師總數 74 人。 中一至中六的班數分別是: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4。 (註:以下班級結構是指可開班數目。 有些學校會將原本班數增加,但學生人數不變。 李國寶中學師資結構 2022/23 學年 2023/24 學年 全港中學教師 教育文憑 學士 學士以上 特殊教育培訓 年資 0-4 年 年資 5-9 年 年資 10+ 年 0 25 50 75 100. 規模比較. 全校開 24 班,教師 74 人,班師比例約 3.08.

  17. mas.hkicpa.org.hk › mycpa › publicEvent Detail - MyCPA

    Event name China taxation conference 2023 (archived session) CPD hours 3.00 Competency Taxation,Taxation Faculty Level 3 - Advanced Contact Payment & Enrolment at enrolment@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287-7381 or Course Information at tf@hkicpa.org

  18. 上午 8:10 上學,下午 3:00 放學,午膳時間 12:10-1:00。. 午膳由指定供應商提供及由家長安排。. 每日上課前有輔導,課後有功課導修;午膳時間有校園電視台播放;逢週五有聯課活動,週六舉辦興趣班;小三及小六學生須於週六進行學科輔導。. 另放學後(下午3時 ...

  19. 2021年10月2日 · The Institute organized its debut conference on 2 October 2021 for both CPAs in business and practice, which provided a platform for speakers to share and inspire Institute members on the latest trend and development relating to the accounting profession and the business world.

  20. (Event code) Language Format and CPD hour Fee 9 March 2022 (ESEMETLS22030901)/ ESEMETLS22309A01/ slides and ESEMETLS223009L01 Cantonese with English terminologies •E-learning • 1.5 CPD hour $270 (HKICPA member or Affiliate (IA)) • $490 ...

  21. mas.hkicpa.org.hk › mycpa › publicEvent Detail - MyCPA

    Event name Listing Qualifications in Hong Kong, Company Secretary’s Role in IPOs and Changes to Corporate Governance Requirements CPD hours

  22. E-learning webinar: Mutual agreement procedure and advance pricing arrangements in Hong Kong – recent developments & cases. Live webinar. 11 Jun 2024. E-learning webinar: Annual meeting with the Inland Revenue Department – Discussion on current Hong Kong tax issues. Live webinar.

  23. www.hkicpa.org.hk › Institute-Event-Highlights › Limited-Time-OfferingsLimited Time Offerings

    Take 20% off eligible courses by 31 July, followed by a 10% discount in August. Make sure to use the code " SUMMER2024 " at checkout to unlock these exclusive savings. Download the HKICPA Event app now and unlock the savings opportunity. For public interest entity (PIE) auditors looking to fulfill the annual CPD requirements for PIE auditors ...