雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.hkmaal.org.hkHKMAAL

    2023年12月22日 · For the accreditation of GBA Mediators through the HKSAR, the Department of Justice of Hong Kong has formulated and published the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mediator Accreditation Rules (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)".

  2. www.hkmaal.org › sc › indexHKMAAL

    粤港澳大湾区调解员资格资历评审细则(香港特别行政区)正式发布. (2024年3月28日) 由粤港澳三地法律部门代表组成的粤港澳大湾区调解工作委员会于2024年3月29日正式发布三地的粤港澳大湾区调解员资格资历评审细则。. 为便进行经香港特区认可的大湾区调解员 ...

  3. www.hkmaal.org.hk › en › ContactUsHKMAAL

    11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong. Office hours: Mondays to Fridays : 9:00am to 1:00pm. 2:00pm to 6:00pm. Weekends and Public Holidays : Closed.

  4. www.hkmaal.org.hk › en › HowToBecomeAMediator_GFee Schedule - HKMAAL

    Important Notes. The time limit for successful completion of HKMAAL Stage 2 Assessment (i.e. two (2) passes and recommendations have been obtained from two HKMAAL Assessors) is 3 years from the date of satisfactory completion of Stage 1 mediation training course.

  5. 中國香港田徑總會成為本港最優秀體育總會之一。. 推動香港田徑,全方位發展運動員、教練、裁判及專業行政人員,從而提升香港田徑的成績及健康形象,令田徑成為香港最多人數參與的體育運動。. The Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates to be one of the best National ...

  6. 2023年4月28日 · Table of contents Cover (PDF File, 3.2 MB) HKMA at a Glance (PDF File, 851.5 KB) Contents (PDF File, 2.2 MB) Chief Executive's Statement (PDF File, 3.0 MB) Highlights of 2022 (PDF File, 992.0 KB) Calendar of Events 2022 (PDF File, 2.1 MB) Priorities for 2023 and Beyond (PDF File, 3.2 MB) About the HKMA (PDF File, 3.0 MB) Corporate Governance (PDF File, 3.3 MB) Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  7. www.hkmaal.org.hk › en › HowToBecomeAMediatorHKMAAL

    2018年6月26日 · HKMAAL. How to become a Mediator. Introduction. The Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited ("HKMAAL") recognises that the skills of a successful mediator are largely unrelated to the type of dispute. A mediator having specialist knowledge of the type of dispute may however facilitate settlement in some cases.

  8. Timetable. MAAL Timetable 2023-24 Semester 2 (as of 14 Dec 2023) MAAL Timetable 2023-24 Semester 1 (as of 11 Sep 2023)

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