雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如果你是香港永久性居民,你可以申請香港特別行政區護照,享受171個國家和地區的免簽證或落地簽證待遇。本網頁提供申請方法、所需文件、費用和處理時間等資訊,並介紹特區護照流動申請服務站的服務時間和地點。快來了解如何申請你的特區護照吧!

  2. 2024年6月27日 · 網上申請香港特別行政區護照. 分享:. 若你是中國公民,並且持有有效香港永久性居民身份證/「申請香港永久性居民身份證收據」 (ROP140/140A) 的香港特別行政區永久性居民,你便可以透過互聯網申請香港特別行政區護照。. 透過互聯網申請適用於首次申請及 ...

  3. 適合十六歲或以上人士在香港申請香港特別行政區護照使用。. 查詢電郵 ﹕ enquiry@immd.gov.h k. 遞交填妥表格方式. 郵寄地址: 請參閱說明書ID (C) 841 A 內文. 親自遞交: 請參閱說明書ID (C) 841 A 內文. 傳真號碼: 不設傳真申請服務.

  4. 2024年6月27日 · Feature article by the Hong Kong Government for appling HKSAR Passport online. Details on requirements on supporting documents, payment, processing time, passport collection and online application.

  5. The Immigration Department pledges to complete the processing of applications in 5 working days after receiving all necessary documents, application fees and photographs, and in 10 working days for applications from children aged under 11 not holding a Hong Kong permanent identity card (working days denote Monday to Friday excluding General Holi...

  6. Application for HKSAR Passport. A person is eligible to apply for a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Passport if he/she is: a Chinese citizen; a permanent resident of the HKSAR; and. a holder of a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card. More on eligibility. Persons Aged 16 or Above (Applying in Hong Kong)

  7. Upon collection, applicants must produce their Hong Kong permanent identity cards and the original supporting documents (if any) submitted in the application for verification, and their existing HKSAR Passports or HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa

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