Enjoy the convenience of managing your service(s) like checking your bills with your My HKT account. You may also get support via “Live Chat” if needed. 登入您的My HKT 賬戶,隨時隨地輕鬆管理您各項服務,例如查閱賬單等。
1083香港電話號碼查詢. 國際電話號碼查詢. Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider for the public, local and international businesses.
賬項查閱. 如需查詢相關賬單內容,個人客戶請致電1000或電郵be@pccw.com,商業客戶請電10088或電郵bizservices@pccw.com。.
個人客戶如需查閱賬單詳情,請透過「My HKT 網上客戶服務」平台 http://cs.hkt.com 或 閣下流動設備上的「My HKT」App,以一個登入賬戶同時管理您於PCCW及HKT的賬單、服務計劃詳情及其他資訊。
Check your bills and manage your PCCW/ HKT service (s) through a single login. Existing user: New to My HKT? Directory enquiries. International call enquiries. My HKT. Consumer support. 1O1O. csl. Fixed line. NETVIGATOR. Now TV. Business customer support. Fixed line. NETVIGATOR. Notices.
Billing Information. Please key in the first 6 characters of your identification document number in upper case format (e.g. A12345) to access your bill.
My HKT Customer Service提供網上客戶服務平台,方便用戶管理賬單和服務計劃。