- 香港銅鑼灣怡和街22號1樓,2樓及地下1&2號舖
Where can I find a PCCW store in Hong Kong?
What is HKT and PCCW doing in Hong Kong?
Where can I find information about PCCW?
What does PCCW stand for?
Which PCCW-HKT shops provide after-sales services?
Who is the legal person of PCCW Limited?
09:00 - 19:00 (星期一至五) 休息 (星期六, 日及公眾假期) 備有方便輪椅使用者使用的斜道. Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider for the public, local and international businesses.
Find out our shop locations and phone numbers of PCCW, HKT, CSL, 1010 and Smart living store and showroom.
地址: 香港灣仔莊士敦道135號東興大廈地下F號舖. 電話:
14/F PCCW Tower, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay, HK. 28880388. 09:00 - 19:00 (Mon-Fri)
PCCW-HKT shop address The following PCCW-HKT shops provide subscription, change-of-plan and other after-sales services, as well as handsets, accessories and stored-value SIM cards. Hong Kong Districts
電郵. HKT Smart Living網上商店. +852 2888 1888 (粵語) +852 2888 0008 (英語) 香港電訊個人客戶服務熱線. +852 1000. pccw1000@pccw.com. 顧客服務建議. cs@pccw.com. 「網上行」客戶服務. +852 1000. (每日上午9時至晚上9時) custserv@netvigator.com. (一般查詢) techsupp@netvigator.com. (技術支援) 「網上行」申請專線. 電話:+852 2888 1888 (後按 [3]) WhatsApp:+852 5200 0888. hktesales-apply@pccw.com. csl Wi-Fi 客戶服務.
PCCW Limited (formerly known as Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited) is a Hong Kong –based information and communication technology (ICT) and telecommunications company. The company is the major owner of telecommunications company HKT Limited, and also holds a major interest in Pacific Century Premium Developments Limited.