雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKUs MBBS curriculum sets out to create doctors who are committed to lifelong learning. Throughout the MBBS study, you will be inspired to explore and deliver effective, humane, and ethical care as a highly skilled medical professional ready to tackle the

  2. MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) targets high achievers who aspire to study Medicine at HKU, either via JUPAS or the non-JUPAS admission route. You may wish to note that MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) shares the same JUPAS code (JS 6456) and non-JUPAS programme code (6456) as the existing MBBS programme.

  3. 內外全科醫學士課程(MBBS)學習軌道 以優異學術成績及面試表現獲錄取的學生,可選擇入讀內外全科醫學士課程下之學習軌道「傑出醫科學人」。 按此了解更多。

  4. Under the existing MBBS, a new study track titled MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar) has been launched since 2023/24 academic year which tailors for high achievers. Click the programme information and admissions link below to find out more.

  5. 內外全科醫學士課程旨在培育優秀的醫生,為社會提供高質素、具人道精神和合乎道德的醫療服務。. 他們追求終身學習,並為將來的專科訓練作好準備。. 六年的課程合共十二個學期,圍繞著四個主題發展:. 健康與患病情況下的人類生物學. 專業技巧:診斷 ...

  6. MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery | JS6456) & MBBS (Distinguished MedScholar)

  7. The information below pertains to the 2024 admissions, while details for the 2025 admissions are subject to modification. Before you submit your application, you are encouraged to carefully review our application guide below.

  8. If you are a local candidate who is applying for admissions on the strength of qualifications other than the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE), you should apply through the Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme. “Local candidate” means that you DO NOT require a student visa/entry permit to study in Hong Kong.

  9. Programme: Upon acceptance, elective students will normally be arranged to attend teaching sessions and undertake clinical training with the MBBS students under the Year 6 Specialty Clerkship of the Department eg performing clinical clerkships in general internal medicine in Queen Mary Hospital general wards.

  10. 2023年9月2日 · 1. 最低要求. 2. 計分方法 . 3. 2022 Admission Score. 4. 建議 . 近年最受同學歡迎及最難入讀的,一定會數香港大學的內外全科醫學士 (HKU MBBS)。 這也是理解的,因為醫生本身是一份非常有意義的工作,可以幫助別人,以生命影響生命。 而且,醫學的前景也是相當穩定及光明;醫科生畢業並實習後,可以選擇在公院或私營機構任職,也可以選擇再深造及做研究,推動人類醫學更進步。 想入讀醫科,第一步,就應該了解怎樣能成功入到醫學院以及她們的收生標準! 最低要求. 要入讀港大醫科,最低要求是:英文4;中文3;數學2;通識2;化學3;選修3。 當中,化學或Combined Science (Chem)是必修科,而M1及M2 可以當作是一科選修計算。