雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKUMed is committed to advancing research, learning and teaching medicine and health, for the betterment of humanity. | 港大醫學院致力推動醫學的科研發展、學習及教育,促進人文精神發展。

  2. HKU discovers previously unidentified mechanisms of obesity-induced insulin resistance and new biomarker of anti-diabetic Miao medicine

  3. HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine | 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院. 癌症治療新突破. 港大醫學院研製雙重抗腫瘤疫苗. 用冷凍針治療乳癌. 鄺靄慧教授的「醫」件小法寶. 量度血清中乙肝. DNA含量的重要性. 袁孟峰教授的「醫」件小法寶. 全新港大醫學院手機桌布. 用春意盎然的港大醫學院點綴你的手機! 最新一期. HKUMed News 已經出版. 内科學系一百周年. 全新HKUMed. WhatsApp 動態 Stickers. 與好友用趣怪貼圖交流互通. 院長薈肖像畫系列的創作幕後花絮. 港大醫學院紀念品. 從時尚配飾到日常用品,應有盡有. 「140 for 140」 全球招聘計劃. 歡迎來自不同專業和資歷的學術研究人員. 癌症治療新突破.

  4. Department of Medicine. To maintain and enhance undergraduate education to produce medical graduates with the highest standards in clinical expertise and humanities comparable to the best medical schools in the world, with lifelong abilities to learn and to provide leadership.

  5. At HKUMed, we have more than 390 full-time teaching staff across the Faculty's schools and departments. Students also have access to research laboratories and various state-of-the-art facilities which are provided to meet different teaching and research needs.

  6. Professor TANG Chi Wai, Sydney. MBBS (HK), MD (HK), PhD (HK), MRCP (UK), FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), FRCP (Edinburgh), FRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (London), FASN. Deputy Department Chairperson; Chair of Renal Medicine. scwtang@hku.hk.

  7. The Faculty offers 8 full-time undergraduate programmes, 5 research postgraduate programmes and 12 taught doctors/masters and postgraduate diploma programmes. Further details about the Faculty can be found at http://www.med.hku.hk/ .

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