雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Chinese Medicine Clinics and Pharmacy at HKU SPACE has a long history dating back to 1998, establishing a solid reputation in the community and training many famous Chinese practitioners. We are devoted to implementing Chinese Medicine's philosophy and providing one-stop TCM medical, high-quality, and professional services, together with ...

  2. HKU SPACE offers Chinese Medicine Programmes & Short Courses. Explore our list of programmes for part-time and full-time.

  3. 傳承中醫文化,普及中醫藥養生保健知識,推廣身心健康理念;提升香港中醫師專業質素,推動中西醫學協作,培養中醫藥人才;這是HKU SPACE中醫科目組別30年來始終不變的願景和努力方向。. 我們的課程堅持學術質素保證,並强調理論與實踐相結合。. 十年來 ...

  4. 香港大學專業進修學院中醫臨床中心及中藥房成立於1998年,是一所歷史悠久,並在社區中享負盛名的中醫診療中心,位於金鐘港鐵站上蓋,交通便利。. 本中心弘揚「專病專治,大醫精誠」的中醫傳統及精神,配合社會對中醫服務的需求,為市民大眾提供一站式 ...

  5. 選讀HKU SPACE CC的中醫學副學士除了因為興趣外,更多的原因是想升上大學。 然而在修讀副學士這兩年令我對中醫學有更多認識,更讓我明白到「預防勝於治療」的重要。

  6. With the rapid development of Chinese Medicine in Hong Kong, an adequate pool of professionals is required in the Chinese Medicine industry. The programme is designed in response to the implementation of regulatory policies to Chinese Medicine by the HKSAR Government, and the demand of the public for high quality and modern Chinese Medicine ...

  7. HKU SPACE has been offering acupuncture and Tui-na programms since the 1990s. In the diversified acupuncture and Tui-na programmes, students can learn the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the knowledge of meridian and acupoints, master the specific techniques of acupuncture and Tui-na, and analyze the application of acupuncture ...

  8. 全新中醫網上診症服務. 安坐家中避免感染風險,為行動不便、覆診或新冠病人提供便利,節省來回和等候時間,足不出戶仍可接受臨床中心的中醫診療及送藥服務。 費用:全科診金(港幣$180/$280/$350)+ 藥費(每劑港幣$90起) 運費:親臨中藥房自取(免費)、代煎服務*(每劑港幣$30)或順豐到付*。 *註:偏遠地區如東涌、馬灣及愉景灣等地區無法配送,詳情請向職員查詢。 操作流程: 透過電話3761 1188或Facebook預約。 預約當天,於會診前收到職員來電進行網上登記及繳付診金。 Whatsapp應用程式與醫師進行視像會診。 處方中藥及繳付藥費和運費。 條款及細則:

  9. Through offering a combination of undergraduate courses in Chinese Medicine (75%) and the latest Biomedical Sciences (25%), the School of Chinese Medicine, the Unviersity of Hong Kong (HKUSCM) nurtures future professionals that are proficient with both

  10. 香港大學專業進修學院中醫臨床中心及中藥房 HKU SPACE Chinese Medicine Clinics and Pharmacy, Kowloon. 1,729 likes · 4 talking about this. 本中心由專業的中醫團隊組成,為市民大眾提供中醫診療服務,包括全科診症、針灸專科、綜合痛症治療及足底反射治療等,同時設有優質正品 ...

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